Chapter 21

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"It's Hyrda."

Panic floods my body as I watch the men talk quietly between themselves and slowly walk to the stage. I was prepared for your average weapon cartel. Not a sadistic organization with high tech weapons and gear

Why are they here? Are they going to steal the artifacts or are they looking for a person of interest that's attending tonight?


Are they looking for Bucky?

That's impossible though. There's absolutely no way they'd know he'd be here. Unless there's a mole among our team and ratted us out but I highly HIGHLY doubt that. Then again, Hydra was able to infiltrate SHIELD before, maybe they did it again?

"Shit.." I hear Steve mumble, followed by frantic moving before the sound cuts out

I look around the space I'm in for anything to help evacuate the building. My eyes finally landing on a fire alarm partially hidden behind one of the crates and run over to it, pulling the lever. A mild alarm started ringing throughout the building while a white blinking emergency light blinked all around the room where the alarms were placed

I quickly stride to the side of the stage to see the guests leaving the room and being told to 'stay calm it's just a test'. I spot Bucky in the middle of the crowd but he gets stopped by one of the guards by the door. The three Hydra agents pull up their weapons as they step around the stage and aim directly towards him

I create a barrier wall next to the men and flick my wrist. The three of them let out a wail as the wall collides with them and flings them across the back stage area. They all slam into the back stone wall of the building and tumble onto the wood crates, breaking them and land unconscious. This draws the attention of the big security guard

He turns around, aiming his weapon but his expression quickly changes to one of bewilderment as he can't see me. I force another wall directly at him before he could pull the trigger and spray the room with bullets. He goes flying back into the auction room and slams into the wall by the door leaving a huge crater in the stone

At the sudden commotion, all the guests started to panic and flee screaming in terror. I step out from behind the stage to find Bucky in hand to hand combat with the two guards that were at the door. The four above drew their weapons on him

To say I panicked would be an understatement. Anger and fear rushed through my veins as I watched the bigger guard land a blow to Buckys jaw

Dropping my cover I reached down and grabbed my knife from my thigh holster, throwing it at one of the men. He made a pained gargle sound before grabbing at his chest and falling to his knees. I wave another energy wall at the distracted guard closest to the one with the knife in his lung, causing him to fly over the railing down towards me. I spin around for momentum and kick my leg out, colliding it with the falling agent, shooting him back creating another smaller dent in the wall

I hear a couple of gun shots be fired, followed quickly by the sound of clanging metal. I glance at Bucky who's downed one of the guards now and holding his metal arm up to shield his head, neck and chest. Fresh bullet holes litter his suit jacket sleeve and expose his bionic arm through the torn fabric

I take a step towards him to help but get stopped in my tracks as a sizzling sensation rips through my arm. I gasp in pain and look at my arm to see a diagonal red line oozing blood down my forearm. The bullet grazed my skin, thankfully not doing too much damage but enough to leave one hell of a nasty scar. Even with Tony's improved nanomolecular regeneration device, he called it the Cradle I believe

I flicker my eyes towards the other two guards on the balcony, murder in my eyes. They now both turn their attention to me, taking aim. I create two force walls on either side of them and slam them together, crushing the guards into each other as they let out a baffled turned pained scream before falling in an unconscious pile. The sound of a window crashing followed by more screams and gunfire outside the room grab my attention

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