Chapter 64

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A/N: it's my birthday tomorrow (8/15) so I figured I'd post this now. Enjoy lovelies ❤️

"Sam I'm getting something from your zone. Stay where you are till we get there." I state into the comm piece hidden behind my phone as I briskly made my way down a street

"On our way!" "Make sure to wait for us this time" "On it!" The other groups all announced almost simultaneously

I dodge and weave around the growing crowds on the sidewalk, apologizing whenever I accidentally bumped someone with my shoulder. The tugging sensation seemed to stay at a steady pace meaning I wasn't getting closer to the target, but I wasn't further either

The groups of people continued to thicken the more I entered the nightlife district. Lining the sidewalks outside flashy buildings, women stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to take a selfie in their skimpy outfits with their friends. Now I wasn't in a particular rush to reach Sam and Bucky, knowing I'd have to wait for the rest of the team anyways, but I still moved almost urgently

"Where are you two?" I ask into the comm, scanning the surrounding streets

My phone pings at me the moment I finish my question. Pulling it out, Bucky had sent out their location to the team. I mumble a thanks and continue pushing through the crowded street. Turning a few corners and passing by a dozen more cramped clubs and bars, I finally spot the familiar duo leaning against an open spot against a building

"Alright, just waiting on you guys." I announce into the comms to the team as I approach Bucky and Sam

They both swivel their heads around until they spot me. Both of them smiling at the sight. The rest of the team all give an ETA, meaning the three of us get to just stand here and wait. I couldn't tell if the thumping in my body was from the booming music all around us or the target the longer we stood there

Finally the others trickled in, slightly sweaty and breathing heavier from trying to rush here but not cause a scene. I drop my focus on everyones encased items, slowly scanning the bustling street

"Lead the way Lady Hayes." Thor motions forward

I take a deep breath, drawing in all my nerves and doubts, exhaling slowly as if to blow them up and out of me. Without another word, I begin walking up the sidewalk, deeper into the nightlife. The team following behind

The pulsing starts to quicken, feeling the pull in my bones more and more with every step. As I step off the sidewalk to cross the street, the tugging is now on my right. When I turn to start moving that direction, I spot a familiar looking building

At least, the shape of it was familiar

It was the building from the blueprints

"There. That's where they are." I point to the nightclub with an obnoxiously bright neon sign across the front

"How do you know it's that one?" Nat asks, coming to stand by me and looking down the street

I glance at her as we cross the street. "Saw the blueprints for this place in my last 'dream'." I air quote the last word

"What's the plan now? We can't exactly just walk in. The line goes down the block and someone will recognize us." Sam chimes in

I glance over my shoulder back at the group. "Only one of us needs to get in there and-"

"Nope. Not happening." Tony interrupts, using his stern voice

"Tony I-" I begin to argue

But he's not dealing with it clearly. "Sneak us all in by twos then. FRIDAY found a side door propped open leading to the kitchen."

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