•we start our quest with a bang•

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Silena was a mess when she found out. She helped me pack, insuring a little mascara wouldn't hurt on the trip, even though I kept declining.

In the end, I packed some mortal money, some gold drachmas, an extra pair of clothes and a bottle of water.

Silena braided my hair into double french braids as tight as she was able to, and hoped it could stay in for ten days.

Oh gods, I was gonna be gone for ten days.

When I was done with Silena, I met the others in the Big House, where Chiron gave us ambrosia and nectar.

Annabeth was bringing her knife, hiding it under her shirt sleeve.

What a lucky day to have a sword that was also a ring.

The whole camp came out to say goodbye, but Luke was nowhere to be found. I could tell it hurt Annabeth a little, and if I'm being honest, it hurt me as well.

We hiked up Half-Blood Hill, right where the pine tree was.

Emotions were already high as it was, and just standing by this tree almost made me break.


I took a sigh and looked at Chiron, who was in his wheelchair.

Next to him, was Argus, head of security.

"This is Argus," Chiron said, more to Percy then anyone else. "He will drive you into the city and, er, well, keep an eye on things."

"Hey!" Luke yelled from behind us. I turned around quickly, seeing him carrying basketball shoes. He went up to Percy, which oddly hurt. "Just wanted to say good luck, and I though... um, you could use these."

He gave him the shoes then said, "Maia!"

Wings came out of the shoes, and Percy dropped them. The shoes flapped around until the wings disappeared.

"Awesome!" Grover exclaimed.

Luke smiled. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days..."

I cringed at the thought of his last quest.

The shoes were cool, but Mom had given me a much better gift in my opinion.

Somehow, she knew I wasn't much for make up and that stuff, almost as if she's really been watching me. Instead of what she gave to Silena, a make up brush that could turn into any sort she needed, she gave me my ring.

Shockingly, I hadn't lost, or stabbed myself with it. Luke and I found the best, and easiest, way for me to switch it to a sword was take the ring off, turn the gem, toss it up in the air, where it would turn into a sword and allow me to catch the handle. Turning it back was easier, just twist the gem and it would turn back into a ring, where I would put it back on.

I hadn't lost it yet, because it was impossible. Anytime I lost it, it would magically appear back as a ring on my finger a couple minutes later.

"Hey, man, thanks." Percy said to Luke.

Luke then began to say something to Percy, then they shook hands. Luke patted Grover between his horns, and gave me and Annabeth a hug.

"Go kill some monsters, Cor." He whispered in my ear before he ran back to camp.

"You're hyperventilating." Percy said to Annabeth.

"Am not."

"You let him capture the flag instead of you, didn't you?"

"Oh... why do I want to go anywhere with you, Percy?"

She then proceeded to go down the hill where a white SUV waited, Argus following after her.

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