Josh x Reader- Aren't we dating?

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A/n I don't know much about his personality to be honest so this is probably really ooc but just go along with this is kinda short?? Btw Sorry I haven't been finishing request I literally broke my phone in half...didn't know that was possible but yeah....

Josh was your Bestfriend- well he still is but it's actually complicated

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Josh was your Bestfriend- well he still is but it's actually complicated. You guys had Been friends for a couple months, almost a year actually and you both really enjoyed being in each other's company.

But after a while tension started to form, and everything you did went noticed by Josh.

Like how when you sat together on your school bus your arms brushed against each other. Really it wasn't anything because you had always done that, the difference was that he was just now noticing.

Or how when you say together for lunch you always offered him some of your food. It was weird really because he used to brush off those type of things now he couldn't get them out of his head.

And it didn't help that he wasn't good at being subtle about how he felt. Including when you were on the bus together and he just stares at you're arms the whole ride. Though you laughed it off and told him to stop acting weird.

Josh wanted to finally confess, and say that the things you did meant a lot to him. He just didn't know how to say it.

"Hey Y/n?" Josh asks, you turn around in his spinning chair to look at him as he sits on his bed. "Let's say you had this um friend right" he starts off and you nod your head slowly.

"And this friend was someone that you really um liked, how would you tell them" you sit there for a moment waiting for a good response to come to you. "Well" you clear your throat dramatically. "I think telling them would be a great idea. Because if you don't they could probably find out and then stop being friends with you or you could tell them and they'd hate you. Either way it's gonna suck I guess" you joke but Josh doesn't notice the amusement as he sort of slinks back in disappointment.

"But, if this person is nice and they really are your friend nothing could go wrong. Plus sometimes the best way to accomplish something tomorrow is to get through a fear today? I think that's the saying...I saw it on a movie once. Hmm, I really should watch that again it's really inspirational-" you got off topic completely, tilting your head In thought until Josh stops you.

"I LIKE YOU" he all but screams out, you flinch slightly in surprise but soon relax again. "Oh" you slouch back against the chair. "Like a lot, and I was hoping we could go out or something" Josh suggests awkwardly.

"Wait are you serious" you furrow your eyebrows in what Josh thought was annoyance.
"Uh,n-no sorry, I just-" he stops as he hears you laugh.

Suddenly thinking that your laughing at him he gets embarrassed and frowns looking down. "I'm sorry, I just like thought we were already dating." You laugh out.

Josh snaps his head up to look at you confused. "I mean, we share food, sit next to each other all the time. I come over your house, we hold hands. Have you ever seen me do that with anyone else?" You raise a questioning brow.

"I guess not" Josh mumbles in realization. "Josh, I only do those things with you because I like you and I knew you liked me. I thought we had like some mutual agreement we were dating. I guess I should have made it more clear?" You frown starting become embarrassed by your assumptions.

Josh stays silent as you continue. "So that means that all the times we went out you must have thought it was meant as a friendly thing. So um how about we go out and go on a official date?" You play with your fingers a little "I'm not good at the asking out thing but you can say no if you don't want to. I mean I don't blame you I'm a total mess and-""I would love to g-go out with you" Josh speaks up ending another rant of yours.

"Great" you send him a small smile.

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