Deena Johnson gif Imagine pt. 2

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A/n: this is like not proofread and it's kind of bad...and my phone is currently on 3% so I can't edit so yeah...

and my phone is currently on 3% so I can't edit so yeah

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Today was Saturday the 14th, 11:36pm. Everyday this same time every month, you and Deena would hang out and do whatever you wanted until the day was over. It was kind of like a 'me day' but instead Deena had resorted into calling it an "us day"

It had been 2 days and 3 hours since what happened. Not like you were counting though...

You felt horrible as soon as you walked out of her bedroom. She had told you she loved you and all you did was say 'oh' like a idiot.

You hadn't said the L word to literally anyone other than family, you hadn't even said it when you were in a year long relationship with some girl named Jasmine.

This whole love thing was sort of a big deal. It freaked you out, the thought of your best friend being in love with you, but at the same time it excited you.

You didn't really know how to explain it, it felt like you were stuck in between bliss and pure agony. "Fuck" you mumbled, forcing a pillow over your face.

You had been laying in bed all day, even though it was a school day.

Some girl named Kate had called you exactly 1 hour ago, talking about how Deena skipped school.

How she knew your number in the first place was beyond you. What really bothered you was when she threatened to put you in a chokehold.

She seemed like she was being sarcastic, but it still creeped you out. You weren't a people person, actually you we're pretty far from it.

So although you and Deena had been friends for a long time, you and her friends never really met.

Apparently Kate thought you had something to do with Deena's sudden mood drop, and to be honest you did. You didn't even know Kate knew about you, let alone your name.

Making you feel flattered that Deena actually talked about you to her friends even if you made no attempts to even talk to them.

You couldn't lay in bed any longer, and right now you felt a sudden impulse. What do you do when you get a impulse? You act on it.

Snatching your keys, you ran out your room. "Mom I'm going out" you yell into the living room, not getting to hear her response as you ran out the front door.

On your way down the steps you feel something wet on your feet, looking down only to see that you had forgotten to put on shoes.

You let out a annoyed groan, running back inside only to come face to shoe. Seeing your mom hold your shoe, you mutter a little quick thanks kissing her cheek as you ran back out.

You stood outside Deena's bedroom door taking dramatically deep breaths. You had raised your fist to knock, only to drop it back to your side. This action had been repeated almost 10 times already.

Finally feeling a newfound sense of courage you knocked. "Go away Josh" you hear from the other side.

"Uh, it's me" you clear your throat, she doesn't respond so after a while you open the door.

Coming in, you see Deena laying down with her back facing you.

"Are you okay?" You groan internally at how awkward your dumb question was. Hearing no response, you slowly walk over and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I um just wanted to apologize, about the other day. I reacted immaturely, when I should have just talked to you." You turn your head to stare at her unmoving body.

"I guess I was just scared?" You chuckle, though it comes out as more of a forced laugh.

"I was scared that things between us would change. I was scared that you felt that way about me,  and I was really scared knowing that I felt the exact same way." You mumble your last words as Deena finally turns to look at you.

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry I hurted your feelings just because I didn't know how to process mines." You hadn't known that you were crying, until Deena sat up brought her hand up to your face.

"It's okay" she mumbles wiping your tears. "No, it's not" you shake your head. "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine, you're fine, we're fine" she reassures.

You both just sit there in silence for a moment, you turn around a little to see a pile of clothes sitting on a chair.

Following your eyes Deena turns to see what you were staring at "I kept them out just in case you decided to show up" she speaks up, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"No I think it's cute" you assure seeing her look of humiliation.

"Thanks" you add, she nods in response.

"Is this the part where we kiss and make up" you break the Comfortable silence between you both. "Because I kind of want to kiss you right now." You confessed.

She laughs a little, "I mean we do still have 8 minutes until the day is over"

You nod slowly, trailing your eyes from hers down to her lips.

You both slowly leaned in, slowly shutting your eyes as your lips finally connected.

Now Deena had imagined plenty of times what it would feel like to kiss you but nothing compared to how it actually felt. No words could possibly express what she felt as your fingers threaded through her hair or as she ran her hand down your back.

Nothing could ever compare to the thoughts swarming her head as you pulled away slightly to mumble the words "I love you".

She had dreamed of this moment for so long, and it was actually happening. She wondered if you felt the same way, and unbeknownst to her you did.

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