Cindy x yandere Fem reader- You need me

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A/n I was gonna go write angst but I decided a little Yandere doesn't hurt anyone and Um you guys should most definitely follow my tiktok cause like that would be nice...just a suggestion...

It's Newtsbastard yeah carry on...

So basically the bold italic is meant to be Present tense if that makes sense so like yeah..

"Let me out! Please!" You hear from the other side of the door as you lean against it

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"Let me out! Please!" You hear from the other side of the door as you lean against it.

Life was funny, it was hilarious. Especially how everyone plays games, and uses mind tricks just for someone to fall in love with them. The funny part though is how people actually fell for those tricks. The world was delusional and maybe so were you.

"Please!" You hear a bang against the locked door.

You weren't one to hate many things But the one thing you hated in life was being lied to. You were in love, is that a bad thing? No. Was it complicated? Yes.

The one thing that was your biggest priority was telling the truth. You couldn't be lied to, you weren't happy about the idea of someone manipulating you into thinking something that isn't true.

"Y/n Please!" You let out a airy chuckle at the sound of her voice. She was pathetic, maybe you were too, but does that really matter?

Being in love is one of the most beautiful things in life. Just Holding hands, kissing, cuddling and most of all being happy. The whole love is a drug thing was true, it was really true.

It only took one relationship to realize it. After that first date, after that first kiss, after your first time being more than intimate. It was like you were both feeding off of each other and you couldn't stop. You needed her and you knew she needed you.

She always needed you, from the start even when she was flaunting around with Tommy you knew she felt it.

You just knew that her heart sped up when she looked at you, because yours did the same.

But of course She just kept denying over, and over, and over again.

Your thoughts were always about her though, her hair, her laugh, what she would be wearing to school.

You weren't obsessed, you were in love..that's it. You were so deep in love that all your actions, bad and good, were only for her.

You would do anything for her and you knew she would do the same.

When you were little you didn't have the best childhood. It was one of those childhoods where your bad memories always outweighed the good ones.

So you learned from a young age to grasp onto the things you love most because they can disappear just as fast as they come.

That's exactly what you did with Cindy. You had found out that Tommy broke up with Cindy.

She was mess, you didn't know why. Tommy wasn't anything special, he was like every other guy in school just nicer in a way.

Not that you cared though, because you were right by Cindy's side as she cried.

She needed you, she wanted you to be there for her. She wanted you to comfort her so she can feel better, and forget about everything. She needed your help to forget about Tommy.

Her head against your shoulder, your arms around her waist. This was it, this was what you wanted. What made it even better was when you both had finally kissed.

Her soft lips against yours, your hand trailing down her back. But the moment was ruined when she shoved you away.

No that wasn't right, why would she look at you that way. Why did she pull away, and why did she stare at you almost hurt? You didn't mean to hurt her, you were just acting on your impulse.

She wanted to leave, but you stopped her at the door trying to get her to understand why it was important that she stay.

She needed you to comfort her right? So that's what you were gonna do, but why was she being so difficult. Why was she struggling against your grip and why was she crying.

You wanted her to stop crying, it was hurting your feelings. But what caught you by surprise was when you felt a sharp impact on your left cheek, as your head snapped to the side.

She had slapped you.

"Why would you do that?" You whisper as your eyes well with tears threatening to fall down. Your head pressed against the wall, slightly moving when another hit was forced against the other side of the shaking door.

She couldn't hit you, that's not how love works. You were just trying to help, but she was being difficult.

Your mom taught you that things like this happen all the time, and the best way to stop it is to show them their place. So you hit her back, as she fell on the ground.

You rushed down to her level to aid her and tell her it's okay. "Hey it's okay, you just need to listen. And I won't have to hit you ok?" You stroke her head gently. "Get away from me!" She snaps shoving you off of her.

A look of shock spread across your face, as you stared at her in disbelief. Watching as she quickly jumped up running towards the door. You stand up following her as you grab both of her arms pulling her flat against your chest.

"Alright, you had your fun. But this whole acting out thing your doing isn't good for you Cindy, trust me. You won't listen to me, fine. Maybe being put in timeout can help you fix that problem"

You dragged her towards the closet in the hallway. Pushing her flat against the wall, she hits her head on the corner of a picture hanging against the wall. You fail to notice as she starts to struggle a little less, as you quickly open the door pushing her into the small confided space.

Slamming the door behind you.

"I did this to help you Cindy, Remember that" you spoke again sniffing as you aggressively wipe your nose.

Your mother always put you in the time out closet when you were younger. The closet was filled with scriptures from the Bible, crosses, and piled up fairytale books that you had snuck in. There even was a small, now cracked, plate that had your name at the bottom. It was spelled wrong but you were glad you even got a plate at all.

Now that you thought about it, you were glad your mom did what she did. You were being bad, you were being rebellious and you deserved to be disciplined. That was the only way you would learn not to do bad things.

That's why you ignored Cindy as she begged and begged for you to let her out. She needed this, she needed to be disciplined for being defiant to you, after everything that you did for her.

After you comforted her, loved her and even gave her something as special as your first kiss.

How could she betray you like that? How could she pretend that she didn't care about you, that she wasn't in love with you? How could she hurt you intentionally when all you did was try to protect her.

The truth was she didn't love you, she didn't want to kiss you. But all those things were oblivious to you, because you knew what she wanted and what she needed.

And what she needed was you.


This is kinda bad so I might unpublish later.

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