Ziggy Berman gif Imagine 1

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A/n how did this go from being only like 300 words to being almost 1000. Anyways the lights are out so I'm just gonna dump "short imagines" this is like my trash can at this point.

 Anyways the lights are out so I'm just gonna dump "short imagines" this is like my trash can at this point

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Camp was stupid, camp creeped you out. The idea of being alone in cabins with reckless teenagers was enough for you to groan in annoyance.

On only your first day, you wanted to bash your head in. Some Kurt dude always blew his whistle at you for no reason and it made you want to shove it down his throat....obviously in a non violent way.

To think you actually thought he was hot, he still was actually but you could care less about him. He was screwing some girl named Joan anyways.

How you found out, was besides the point. You would never want to relive the memory.

Cindy Berman was pretty nice but she seemed more interested in telling people what not to do, then actually doing something fun.

Her sister however, polar opposite. On one hand it was cool and on the other it was a nightmare.

She always found a way to get into trouble, somehow half the time she pulled you into it.

Apparently Kurt thought the same thing, considering how he mentioned you and her had one more strike before he would send you both off. According to him, you both were on your third strike.

You obviously ignored him, he was just all talk. But apparently he was okay with watching a group of girls try and burn ziggy.

Walking up to the group, you push a girl away just before she could burn her more. "What the hell is your problem." She falls to the ground, going to push you back before good ole Nick decided to show up.

He was weird, well he acted weird. Something was up with him but he had been nothing but nice to you so you didn't really let your suspicions linger.

"Let her down will, I swear to god I'll tell mom" in a normal situation you would have laughed about him pulling the mother card but considering Ziggy was bleeding and almost got burned the Amusement left as soon as it came.

Will had let her down, and you helped her stand up.

"I went to my cabin and the door was open. All my money was gone and Ziggy was just sprinting away." Sheila sends a glare Ziggy's way.

"Because you were chasing me." Ziggy retorts, "Ziggy! You talk when I tell you to talk." Kurt stops her, and Ziggy just rolls her eyes.

"Did you see her take it?" Nick asks looking over at Sheila. "Everyone did"

"Well, that's it, Berman. Five strikes you're out." Kurt points a accusing  finger at her.

"I thought you said she was only on her third strike" you raise your eyebrows. "Did I?" He responds sarcastically.

"I'm out? They just tried to murder me!" Ziggy groans. "Yeah and I'll deal with them. But first, get back to camp, call mommy because you're done at nightwing."

"So she gets kicked out for stealing what a few quarters? But these idiots get let off after trying to kill her? That makes no sense." You argue stepping in front of her.

"Was I talking to you?" He gives you a annoyed look.

"Well I didn't do it" Ziggy shrugs. "Oh yeah? Just like you didn't set the camp flag on fire?" He stares at her obviously not believing a word she was saying. "Or let out the camp rabbit? Or graffiti the outside stalls" he adds.

"To be fair, rabbits don't deserve to be locked in a cage so she was obviously doing him a favor. And the whole graffiti thing, the kids liked it so I don't see the big problem." You defend her.

"Yeah Kurt its not her fault" Sheila speaks up and you stare at her confused about why she was agreeing with you. "She's possessed by Sarah fier" she adds making you groan. "Not this bull crap again." You mumble.

"Oh you.." Ziggy rushes over to Sheila only to be held back by Nick. "We kick her out, somebody's gonna ask about the burn on her arm. Then who's in trouble huh?" Although it was nice he was sticking up for her you couldn't help but let your eyes linger on them both as he pulled her against his chest.

"Why don't we just let this one slide? Yeah?" Kurt stops to think for a moment before agreeing. Knowing that he'd probably be in more trouble than her. "Alright but one more strike and your done for real, got that Berman?"

"Being bossed around by a Goode" Ziggy breaks out of Nicks hold and you try your best to hold in your sigh of relief. "Wow, some things never change." She walks off. "And you, I'll handle you later." He walks up towards you.

"Hmm? The same way you handle that other girl? What was her name again? Joan?" You sass, patting him on the shoulder before walking away from him. Not missing him mumble the words "God, I hate that little bitch."

"I'm gone for one second and you found a way to get into more trouble." You chuckle following behind Ziggy.

"That has to be a new record right?" She jokes as you shove her a little. "I'm gonna head back to my room" you jester in the other direction.

She stops in her tracks giving you a short nod as she turns to continue walking "oh and Ziggy!" You call out as she turns around.

"Try not to get burned to death, that would be really hard to explain to Cindy." You joke, a silly grin making its way onto your face, she chuckles a little before flipping you off.

Turning around to walk away you almost bump into Nick. You hadn't even noticed he was following you. "Looking Good, Goode" you mockingly salute him as you walk past him.

"Very funny" he responds sarcastically, walking in the same direction Ziggy was.

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