Cindy x Yandere fem reader- You need me pt.3

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A/n: I watched Outerbanks a while ago, but this whole imagine was literally inspired by Rafe's character.... anyways my lights are on...

Highly Requested....

"Look Cindy, I have no idea why you're acting like a brat but I need you to listen to me

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"Look Cindy, I have no idea why you're acting like a brat but I need you to listen to me...alright." You breathe out. She shakes her head, as her grip on the knife tightens.

"You're gonna put down that knife, you're gonna apologize and then I'll think about giving you a little lean way. Do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" You yell watching her flinch at your voice.

Her tears fall even harder than before as she backs away, scared to drop the knife. "Cindy drop the knife...Cause I really don't wanna have to come over there and take it from you."

Your life was far from perfect, everything you did was to impress someone.

With your mom being closed off, an always upset about your cheating father. And with him walking around like nothing was wrong, ignoring how much you wanted him to actually acknowledge you.

You desperately needed for someone to like you, to look up to you and whenever you got that small ray of light beamed on you, it was hard to let it go. Thats what it was like with Cindy.

It felt like 100 rays of light were beamed on you, and the attention you always wanted was finally there. But with happiness comes other things, and you would rather not deal with those.

Because as much as it was hard to notice, Cindy was a selfish person. You had pulled her in, with your 'genius intellect' and your kindness and how well you treated others.

But after meeting Cindy, you no longer cared about treating others so nicely, and you didn't care about how smart you were. You only cared about Cindy. What Cindy liked, what Cindy would want to hear.

When all she did in the end was push you away, again and again and again. And surprisingly that takes a toll on someone. Knowing that you care for someone who has never shown one ounce of the same amount of care.

That's what you wanted to tell Cindy, that's what you desperately wanted for her to understand, but she ran.

She ran away from you, which made you realize so much about who she truly was.

"Cindy!" You yell as she bolts past you. You hadn't even noticed how fast she actually was. "Fuck!" You yell, kicking the counter, ignoring the pain it inflicted on your toes.

"I didn't mean to yell alright" you run in the direction she went. Hearing the faint sound of stairs. You decided against grabbing your knife in defense, knowing that if Cindy really wanted to stab you then she already would have.

Running up the stairs after her you hear as a door shuts. Turning the corner down the hallway you stand in front of your parents room, opening the door to see nothing.

You do the same for the guest room, finally making your way towards your room. Twisting at the knob but it doesn't open. "Hey Cindy open up." You ask against the door. You hear heavy pants from the other side.

"Hey I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." You apologize, sniffing a little.


It had been over 10 minutes and Cindy still didn't bother to open the door. You had begged her constantly and assured her countless times yet she didn't budge.

So you sat, back against the door. Doing the only thing you felt like you could, not knowing that Cindy was against the wall doing the same.

"When I was little, I wanted to be a scientist. I thought it would be cool and fun, but then I realized I hated Science. And My mom always wanted me to be a dancer, cause it's what she liked and she never got to do. Now my dad..he thought that I'd somehow become a neurosurgeon.

I guess in the end I didn't want to be some scientist or a neurosurgeon, I just wanted to be seen. I wanted to be seen by my parents, By my classmates and by my teachers." By you, You thought playing with your fingers as you ranted.

"I never got those things Cin, even when I tried and tried. I hid who I was just so people could like me, but I never signed up for this. And I'm sorry, for locking you in the closet okay. I just can't help my actions when it comes to you, I get impulsive and I lose control whenever I see that look in your eyes. The look that speaks volumes, it's a hateful look, and I know that because it's the same look my mom gives my dad." You laid your head back against the door.

The house goes silent, you could hear nothing but the faint sound of a clock.

"When did you know?" you hear Cindy mumble, from the other side of the door. "When your dad was cheating" she finishes.

"When did I know? I guess...I just knew the day my dad starting coming home late, and in a cheery mood. It's as if he was trying so hard to act like his day was great. Trying to make it seem like everything was normal, I guess I could just feel know?" You sniff again, wiping at your nose, not bothering to notice the blood that stained your sleeve.

"I'm sorry Cindy" you mumble in defeat.

You had never told anyone so much about your personal life, but you needed Cindy to trust you.

You needed to pour your heart out, so that it would seem like you were just a normal teenager going through normal problems.

Then when she heard your sob story, she would feel sorry for you, leading to her breaking the walls that she had formed around herself.

So as you heard sudden movement from the other side of the door, you didn't bother to move.

Nor did you, when you heard the twist of the doorknob.

A/n: I just watched Fat Albert for like the 10th time and the party scene always gets me, anyways I'm gonna publish my OBX imagine book soon....

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