Kate x Fem reader

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Requested.. Sorry this took so long and I'm sorry I didn't actually make it the way it was meant to be, I kind of jus added my own plot to it...

 Sorry this took so long and I'm sorry I didn't actually make it the way it was meant to be, I kind of jus added my own plot to it

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"I didn't have anywhere else to go." You muttered sheepishly. Kate gave you a sympathetic look as she opened her window wider for you to climb in. You followed behind her, making sure that you closed the window behind you. This had become a normal occurrence, and yet the feeling of being a nuisance never left. Though Kate had made it pretty clear that she was okay with your random visits.

When Kate had first met you, you were a stuttering mess, unable to form one good sentence. You were a new student, and you knew barely anything about where your classes were. Kate; on her way from the bathroom, decided to assist you. You both hadn't spoke again until around a week later when she told you to sit with her and her friends.

She had noticed how hard it was for you to surround yourself with new people, especially when you were the one initiating the conversation. You hesitantly accepted her offer, and the outcome made it 10 times more worth it. Her friends seemed pretty cool, and even though the first few lunches were a bit awkward you all seemed to warm up to each other.

As you all had grown closer, so did your relationship with Kate. You both had never actually initiated that you both were in a relationship. It made you think that maybe Kate didn't even want a relationship. Kate was likable, she was just such a amazing people person. You weren't, in fact you were the exact opposite, but that didn't mean that your personality wasn't big. You could easily make friends-if they came up to you first.

Kate had been one of the only people to do that, and that had already driven you to becoming closer to her. Being around Kate was the highlight of your day, and it had been that way for a while. No matter how good or bad your day had went, you just wanted to be around Kate. At first when these new emotions came to your attention you avoided them, and ignored them because even though it felt kind of nice, it also felt weird. It felt overwhelming, just liking someone so much out of nowhere.

You had barely known Kate for more than 7 months and you already felt like you'd do anything for her. It took your parents years to get at that level, so in a way you felt like something was wrong with you. Should you keep ignoring it? Should you ignore her? What if she found out? Those were the big three, and you remembered the big three everytime you got that weird tingly feeling when you were close to her.

Every time she did simple things like giving you a pen to write with or helping you cheat on quizzes. Even when she patted your shoulder with a reassuring look or when she poked your cheek whenever she was making fun of you. You just kept repeating those three questions, and they'd instantly make you feel horrible inside. Kate had obviously noticed, but if you wanted to talk about it you would have told her right?

It didn't help that things back home had become more intense, especially after you came out. Your parents obviously accepted you, but they never seemed to grasp onto the boundaries that you had built afterwards. They didn't bat an eyelash when a homophobic slur was spoken, or when family had said something prejudice to say against anyone part of the Lgbtq+.

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