Josh Johnson Gif Imagine 1

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Josh is so underrated, I feel so bad that I don't really know how to write out his character. This feels kinda weird especially because it's so short but anyways.......

I literally have no gifs of him so this will have to do.

I literally have no gifs of him so this will have to do

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"I'm thinking Teenage Mutant ninja turtle theme" you grin at Josh.

"I don't think your mom would want the theme of her wedding to be a cartoon" Josh reasons.

Your mom had gotten engaged over 1 year ago and finally after months and months of procrastinating she finally was getting married. You were happy that she was finally getting what she always wanting, considering how your dad never was committed. You loved him but he was a total pain in the ass, no offense.

She seemed so happy with this Steve guy and you weren't gonna ruin it. "But she did say I could pick her theme." Josh just sighs and picks up the book filled with your ideas and puts it to the side causing you to huff in response.

"Are you actually okay?" He sits next to you, giving you a concerned look. Your smile drops slightly, as your shoulders sag. "Maybe I am a little bothered" you confessed playing around with the necklace Josh gave you for your 15th birthday.

Josh nods as if telling you to continue. "I mean Steve is great but watching my mom get married to someone who isn't my dad kind of hurts. I just wish my dad wasn't so afraid, I wish he wasn't so uncommitted. So we could be normal." You sigh feeling guilty that you were angry at your dad because of something he wasn't prepared for.

"You know it's okay to be upset right? Being upset doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you human." You gave him a soft smile.

It had surprised you at first but Josh was a very supportive person and he was really good at comforting you. It made you feel bad when you weren't as good as he was when returning the favor.

"I really appreciate that" you grab his hands, playing with them.

"Of course" he responds immediately. "How are things with your dad and sister?" You ask suddenly feeling selfish that you hadn't asked him about how he was doing. "Not the best, actually I cant tell anymore. My dad is just dad you know with the drinking, and my sister has been hiding something I don't know why though." You frown at his words.

"Ok so how are you doing?" You ask. He just shrugs. "It's hard to explain" he shakes his head.

You knew that he wanted to tell you, he probably thought that he should be supporting you right now, not the other way around.

"Well how about we go bake brownies, and go from there." You smile reaching up to his arm to pinch him. He grinned pushing your hand away as you stood up.

Walking towards the door you turn to face him, holding out your hands silently asking him to come on.

He sighs pretending to be annoyed before finally standing up to grab your hand.

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