A/n: Update?

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So basically, school started like yesterday or whatever and I'm overwhelmed asf over the work that has been basically thrown at me. But I am working on requests, and I remember that I have at least 10 more to do. Especially the ones for Joan, Thomas and Kurt, btw I also plan on writing for Martin. I should have started earlier but I didn't want to write him in a way that seemed really out of character.

Anyways, sorry I kind of rambled there. So, I don't like only putting out like one Imagine a week so instead I'll try to make a handful and just post those. Just to make it easier. Though considering my "new technique" updates might be a little slower. But I promise or I'll try to do as many as I can by the end of this week??

I'm not actually sure but I have started writing, obviously. I kind of forgot what I was supposed to say.....

Um and also classes suck, but I have Spanish so Im feeling a bit better. Also before school I was planning on writing and writing and writing and not stopping until my fingers got tired of typing...they're starting to now btw. However, I Recently had to get a tooth fixed...well that seems a bit dramatic but I got my temporary crown, but one of my teeth is being a pain in the ass so even talking is making my mouth feel uncomfortable.

I tried to eat a fucking muffin and I couldn't even open my mouth wide enough to bite it (because during one of my procedures I had to hold my mouth open for 2 hours like no kidding) and I couldn't even eat a fucking banana. I had to chop that shit up just to eat it.

I have serious teeth problems, wait I just noticed that I'm talking about my teeth when I should be talking about updates....sorry.

So yeah....I'll update soon...hopefully....don't hate me because I'm a slow writer 🙂 that emoji felt so awkward...but like yeah...sorry if I'm basically teasing....

But not in a sexual way of course, I mean like..I'm basically waiting a whole year to update(which I'm not btw) but like yeah...that's cool. I'm cool. Your cool. We're cool... I'm just typing anything at this point... but if you read all 386 of the words before this...I sincerely thank you for the patience.

I also decided to wait to publish any more books until when I'm done with this one, so I won't be stressed about what I should be writing for. The whole point of this was to say sorry for taking so long to update, but I will be posting soon.

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