
953 12 0

Amount of words used in this update- 337

  | From Emma.

Ok small little/ big hehe thank you here but....


We have came so far and I can't believe it.

You guys don't know how thankful I am, I've gained 14 followers and it all feels unreal.

Literally last week I had 8K views and now I have 11 mental guys just mental.

Thank you for supporting my story, hope your enjoying it all, I need to do some editing though due to it in the middle not being the best but I'll work on it after my few final chapters are released.

(I have 5 drafts in waiting to be released, two fully completed and edited 3 not edited so I'll work of them final chapters then close the era completely)

The drafts will be used as soon as I've finished the three chapters since there sad ones

Although because its it's coming to an end of an era I'm not going to lie is sad how the story is ending, it's a 5hr story so far so not many chapters but many words and hours have been put into this.

Everyone who is new to the story welcome to 'Mi amore'

Everyone who is old to the story and has been here a while thank you for sticking around so long I guess aha.

Honestly don't understand why this story is doing so well and people like it so much it's nothing special just a mafia book but if you like it I'll carry it on.

If I want to or feel like I might make a sequel but probably not due to me kinda wanting to finish the boom fully plus it's best to end it on a high, no way I can extend it since it's complex to write and do.

Hope you angels have an amazing day or had an amazing night, again thank you so much andddd adios amigos.

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