Chapter 2

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Lydia's POV

I was nervous. I hadn't really talked to anyone for a while so talking to someone.

Reece walked us around the city for what seemed like forever. I then began to wonder where we were going. Then he stopped walking and hit the buzzer to an apartment building. The door opened and he held it for me. I smiled to him and he bowed like a gentlemen.

We walked to the elevator and he ushered me in. I leaned back against the wall and he stood next to me. We didn't say a thing but it was awkward. I yawned and he put an arm around me. I leaned in and the doors opened.

He pulled me with him and we walked down the hall. He then took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Then before he opened it he stopped and turned to me.

"Before we go on I want you to know few things. I live with seven other people. All of which are boys. They might make comments and remarks but know those are not my intentions." I crinkled my noes and nodded. He sighed and opened the door.

"Boys I'm back!" he yells. I cringe at how loud he is but his back is turned to me so he doesn't see a thing.

"Aye! Reecy back!" I heard a male voice yell back. I wonder a bit behind Reece as we walk through the flat. Then we walked into a room that I assumed was the living room. There wears seven boys there. I looked at them and I saw one of them hit another when he saw me.

"Aye mate what's with the girl?" one of them asks.

"Guys this is Lydia she's going to be staying with us." He says and then ushers me closer to him. I stand and they all look me up and down.

"Names Barclay." One that looks to be around eighteen or nineteen says to me from the far couch.

"Charlie." One that looks too young to be hanging out with all these boys.

"In Chris the Irish one!" a boy with what looked a bit like Afro hair said to me in a strong Irish accent. I waved to him and he smiled brightly.

"James." One said and I almost laughed at him voice. He sounded a lot older than he looked.

"Casey" One said with a wink. I looked away from him.

"Tom." One said raising his hand. I nodded and they continued.

"Jake." The boy had tattoos and was curled next to Casey said. I smiled at them all.

"Well Lydia and I are going to go get her some clothes to sleep in." None of the boys made comments seeing as they were to worried about their movie.

We made our way to what I assumed was Reeces room and he went to his closet and pulled out a tshirt and some sweatpants. He handed them to me.

"If you need anything just look for it. Or ask if you can't find it." He says and kisses my forehead before leaving.

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