Chapter 18

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Lydia's POV

I stumbled into the house and looked in the mirror and sighed. I didn't look that bad. It had been raining, I know how cliché, so I took off my coat and tried not to flinch. I walk into the living room to see James, Jake and Tom.

"Hey Lyd. What took you so long?" jake asks quickly and I shrugged.

"Rain." I answer simply and wish that they will drop the subject, but since nothing goes right in my life they don't.

"So it was raining and you took your time getting home? Doesn't make much sense babe?" James says with his eyes furrowed. I sighed.

"It started raining while I was at the coffee shop. So I waited for it to stop but it didn't so I walked. Okay not a big deal." I say quickly and walk to the kitchen and see Chris, Charlie and Barclay.

"Hey baby girl, how's the coffee?" Chaz asks and I force and smile.

" 'S good." I mumble and he hugs me. Then he shivers.

"Geez your cold." He says rubbing my back.

" 'S raining." I mumble and they all gush. I pull away and look at him.

"I'll be upstairs." The I leave. Walking away and they don't say a thing, but if they had I wouldn't have answered.

I made it to Reece's room and hoped he wasn't in there. This time I hoped enough. I opened the door and the room was empty. I sigh in relief and go to change. I put on a jumper and some joggers.

I go and plug my phone in. The cord reaches the bed because when I had gotten my phone Reece had insisted that he buy the longer one. Saying that 'if the cord doesn't reach the bed it has no purpose'. Or something along those lines.

I hit shuffle and smile a bit but then it drops. One Direction starts playing and I tap my fingers lightly. The song is sad and after what just happened it makes me cry lightly. I wipe tears from under my eyes.

The door opens and Reece walks in. I shut my music off and dry my eyes and hope it wasn't obvious that I was crying. He looks at me and smiles so I assume he can't tell.

"Hey baby." He smiled setting his guitar down and coming to give me a soft kiss. I smile and set my head on his shoulder.

"How's the coffee shop?" he ask me whispering into my ear. His breath barley in my ear.

"Good." I say with a fake smile. He crawls into the bed next to me even though its only three in the after noon. His arms slips over my small and I resist the urge I tense. Repeating in my head that its Reece. That he wouldn't do a thing, but I fail.

"You alright?" He ask into my neck. His voice is a bit muffled due to the fact that he's talking into my neck.

"Yeah of course." I say with the biggest fake smile ever.

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