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Lydia's POV
5 years later

I'm 21 now and I can't believe that I've come this far. My hands shake and I tap my fingers together. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn to meet Reeces blue eyed gaze.

"Hey." I whisper weakly and he raises an eyebrow.

"Who was your day?" he asks caressing my neck. I hum in response.

"Good, I missed you." I say rapping my arms around his neck. His hands go to my hips.

"I missed you too princess." His kisses my lips and I lean into it. They're soft as always.

"So are you excited?" he asks and I nod.

"Good cause I don't want to be the only one who's nervous." He says with a chuckle.

"No no no! I'm nervous. I just. This will be fun." I say and he nods gripping my hips.

"Yeah." He growls nibbling on my neck. I giggle in response and grab the nap of hair on the back of his neck.

"Come on we're gunna be late." I say pushing him away. He groans.

"But babe I wann-"

"I know you wanna fuck." I know that word turns his on and he knows I know. He groans again and throws his head back.

We were going to a wedding today. No not our own. We aren't even engaged. Jake and his fiancé Josie were getting married today. They had been together for a few years now. She's great. She's my bestfriend. Of course we told her everything about my past. She cried go hours histaricly.

Reece drove and I looked over myself one last time. He grabs my hand. Looking me dead in the eye.

"Don't worry love. You look great." I roll my eyes.

"You have to say that, your my boyfriend." He chuckles and nods.

"True but I mean in." I blush and he rubs his thumb gently over mine. As we pull up to the beach I sighed. I looked down at my shoes. We walked down to the sand and I carried my shoes.

"Lyd!!!!" Josie screamed loudly at me and threw her arms around me. I hugged her too. She pulled back and ran her eyes over me and smiled.

"You look great!" she yells and I blush then I look at her. She looks great. Well she's supposed to. She's the bride.

"You do too. Are you ready for this?" I ask inquizativly. She nods.

"Five minutes ladies." The wedding director says coming in. We nod and get ready. Now I'm walking down the isle with Casey on my arm. It was a bit awkward but it was fine. I knew Reece didn't like it but I knew it was fine.

Jake smiled to me as I came closer. I went up to him when I got to the alter.

"Take care of her." He nods and flushes, the only time I've ever seen him blush was when Josie was involved. She had stolen his heart, now she steeling his last name.

Then Josie came with her dad beside her. I couldn't tell if she was shaking because she was nervous or if it was because she was excited. Her dad kissed her cheek and handed her to Jake.

"Now lets begin. The couple have written there own vows." The priest says and Jake lets out a shaky breath.

"Jo when I first met you I thought you were a bit nuts. But I found out that you just love everything and everyone in your life. And your not afraid to show it." He speaks and continues.

"Your everything I've ever wanted as needed and I'm glad to say your gunna be mine forever." Josie blushed a deep shade of red.

"My turn. Jake when I first net you I couldn't help but stare at you earrings and tattoos. I thought you were gunna take my heart and smash it, but you made it stronger. And I'm glad to say our love story is my favorite. Even after Katniss's and Peetas."

The priest announces them but besides he can finish the phrase 'you may now kiss the bride' Jake raps his arms around her. He was always impatient. And Josie loved that. I look at Reece and he winks.

Now each and everyone of the boys are giving speeches. All of which are shit faced, well apart from Chaz, Jake and Reece. I smiled and kissed Reece as he went to give his speech.

"Well Jake mate, all I have to say is that you scored. And I know that sounds like I treat women like prizes. But I don't. You found yourself a girl who's crazier about things than you are. She's your everything. And now that you e married your princess. It's my turn." He turns to look at me.

"Lydia. Lydia Mann. Would you do me the extraordinary favor of being mine forever?" I couldn't respond.

All eyes were on me. I felt bad cause it was Josie's wedding but I couldn't say that. Cause Reece had just asked me to marry him. I wanted to yell yes to the roof top and do him on the stage he was on. But that's wrong.

"So what do you say? Lets do this." He asks and I look him dead in the eye.



OMG it's over! And yes I used my fav author on here and one of my best friends over as Jakes loves interest! Don't judge!

Instagram: @aye_reece_nutella or @morganallen1109

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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