Chapter 13

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Lydia's POV

He doesn't respond. Just sits there and looks like he's drawn a blank. Like he's never heard those words in his life.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly. I'm apologizing for messing everything up. For making things bad. That's all I'm good at. Is making bad this happen. Then making those problems even worse.

I get up and this time he lets me. I walk towards the door and I run into someone. I had been walking with my head down. As I tried to move around them the person grabbed a hold of my arms.

"Where you going in such a rush?" it was only Charlie. I smile and let out a little laugh.

"Hey Chaz." He raps his arms around me and almost seems to life me in the air. I smile a bit.

"Now where you going?" he asks in a more serious matter.

"I'm leaving." I say and I can alma of feel him roll his eyes.

"I got that but where are you going?" he asks. I shrug and he furrows his brow and presses his lips into a hard line. Then it seems that a light bulb goes off in his head. He grabs my arm and pulls me through my house. Then we stand in from of a door. He opens it and I see Chris laying on his bed.

"Hey mate whatta need?" Chris asks with the tip of his head.

"Get your keys." Charlie said and walked us out of the room. Chris follows close behind with the sound of keys jiggling in my ear.

We walk right pass Reece who seems to still be in a state of shock. I hand my head and continue moving with Charlie and Chris.

After about the minutes or so in the car Chris pulls into a huge lot. I look around and see lots of signs. Then the boys get out and so do I not meaning to be so slow behind them. We walk in through a huge door, there must have been ten doors to go in through thou.

Now all I saw were small kiosks with food brand names slapped on them. As we walked I still could figure out where we were.

"Guys?" I ask from a few paces behind them. The then slowed so they were on either side of me.

"Yeah." Chaz asks me slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Where are we?" I ask sheepishly trying bit to sound like an idiot.

"The mall. It's a huge shopping place." Chris answers. I smile at him for not laughing mad making me feel like an idiot.

"Ooooo lets go here!" Chaz exclaimed dragging Chris and I into a huge clothing store.


Later I hat found out that the shopping trip was for me. That all the boys were paying for it. I protested. But Chaz and Chris weren't taking any of it. So we spent just about eight hours in the mall. Now my feet hurt and I wanted to collapse.

Chaz opened the door to the flat with a sing belting from his lungs. He had been singing all the way home. And it was starting to get on Chris and I's nerves. But him being the baby no one ever told him he was being annoying.

"Aye would ya shut it!?" I heard an angry Reece yell from the direction of his room. Charlie scowled and looked at me. I looked down not wanting to explain at thing.

I then set down the bags that I had which was only two because Chaz insisted that I didn't carry anything. I laughed at him for that. I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek before going to Reeces room.

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