Chapter 11

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Lydia's POV

I let out a small gasp as cold air hit my bare legs. I rolled over to reach out for Reece but couldn't seem to find him. With a grunt and a sigh I opened my eyes and sat up. Looking around I didn't see anyone. So I only glared at the door and wondered how the blanket was taken off.

I then stood and made my way to the living room. I saw there that Casey and Jake snuggled close together on the couch. I smiled and went to the kitchen. To find that only Chris was there.

"Morning." He says looking up as flipped a pancake. I smiled at him and responded quietly. He goes back to flipping and I rest my head in my arms. He cocks an eyebrow in my direction as if asking what's wrong.

"My head hurts." I respond and he nods in agreement. But still says nothing. He also still has that silly grin on his face. I smile at him too.

"Hey." I hear from behind me and a pair of arms came around my waist. I stiffen ad then relax when I notice Reeces head on my shoulder.

"Hey." I say back leaning to him. I breath in his scent and I could tell that he put cologne on already. Chris chuckled and flipped another pancake. Reece let go of me and went to get us food.

He sets the plate in between mine and his seat. He then hands me a fork. I smile and shake my head. He scowls and places one in my hand any way. I prod and poke one but still don't eat a thing.

"Come on Lyd eat something." Reece says pushing the plate closer to me. I smile weakly and take a small bite. I eat only a few bites and stop.

"Lyd." He pleads looking at me. I smile weakly.

"I'm good." I say and he gives me a look.

"Lyd come on eat something. Please." He begs pushing the plate so it's right in front of me.

"I'm fine Reece." I repeat ad try to sound confident.

"When was the last time that you had a full meal." He asks narrowing his eyes. I look down and don't answer.

"When." He asks a bit more harsh.

"Last time I was here." I mumble rubbing my thumbs.

"What?" he asks grabbing my hand.

"The last time I was here." I say a bit louder. His eyes widen.

"Eat now." He says sternly.

"Reece please." I beg to him looking in his eyes.

"You need to eat its not healthy." He pleads again.

"Reece." I say shaking my head. He loos at me.

"Please baby. " He said before nuzzling my neck. I giggle and agree. I eat a pancake. He smiles and I shove the plate away.

"Good girl." He says picking my up and taking us to the couch. He sits so my legs are thrown over his lap. I smiled and nuzzles closer to him.

"You know." He says into my hair.

"I really like you." He says to me and I don't know what to say. So I say nothing.

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