Chapter 32

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Lydia's POV

I grabbed Reeces hand and we went back to the kitchen. They all look at us and I barried my face in Reeces chest. I can feel him shake his head. When I look up again no ones staring. Infact they're all looking anywhere but at me.

"Guys I'm fine." I say and they all nod but Jake looks at me. I avoid all contact with him. He keeps looking at me and it's making me feel bad. I still hadn't told Reece I had still been having those dreams. As far as he knew I had stopped having them.

"Reece." I say grabbing his hand and pulling. He follows slowly. But before we make it out of sight of the kitchen I yell out.

"Thanks for breakfast." I get a 'no problem' in response but dismiss it and keep tugging Reece along.

We make it to our room and I swing him in then shut the door. I keep my hands on the door and then begin softly hitting it upon the door. Reece comes behind me and pulls me away from the door. I begin sobbing into his chest.

"Hey hey hey. Breath. It's okay." He's lying again. I know he is. I pound on his chest mad he holds me tighter. I'm sobbing hard and I don't think I could control myself if I tried.

"No it's not Reece. She's gunna find out that I don't have a legal guardian and she gunna- she's gunna take me away from you." I wale and he grabs me again.

"No she's not okay. We're gunna get one of the boys to take custody of you. Nothing's gunna tear us apart I swear" he says and he may not know it, may not mean to be, but he's lying.

"Okay." I whisper. He brushes my tears away with his thumb ad smiles at me.

"Okay?" he asks and I nod.

"Good. I love you." He says kissing my noes. I grin for real.

"I love you too."

We lay in the bed for what seems like hours and it was for hours. He played with my hair as I laid my head in his lap. I picked at my finger nails. Nothing was going in but I wasn't bored. I was fine just lying there with Reece.

Reece always made things better for me.

Why couldn't I do the same for him?

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