Chapter 35

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Lydia's POV

No one spoke but we all looked at him. I was shocked. He had to be lying. He would have been fine. If he had never seen me after that night everything would be fine. I would still be any mans play toy.

But unlike P!nk. I'd rather feeling nothing than hurt. Because I don't think straight when I'm hurt. I hurt myself when I get hurt.

"Lyd. If you hadn't been there in that alley way that night- I- I wouldn't be here. My body would have been barried. The boys would have had to go through my funeral. What you said to me while I was sitting on the edge was all right. My mom. My dad. My sister. The boys. The fans. You. I couldn't do that to them. You have to know that you mean everything to me. I was just so mad that you hadn't told me you weren't alright-"

"Well you didn't tell me either." I snap and that shit him right up.

"How do you think I felt! Coming back down to find out that my boyfriend had just left the house. You could have bee dead! With your brains splattered over the side walk! I could have never gotten to tell you I love you! I'm so lucky to have you! Your all I have!" I yell even though it is two in the morning. He looks at me as if he's at lose for words.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and guilt takes over me. But I'm not apologizing.

"Yeah well I'm not." Then I storm out of the room and go down the hall to Jakes room. I hope he with mind. But I'm not sleeping in a room with him.

I lay in Jakes bed with tears rolling down my face. The door opens and his head peeks in.

"I thought you'd be here. I didn't find you in you room." He says and I scoff.

"I'm not sleeping in the same room with that ass." I mumble and he chuckles getting into bed next to me. He opens his arms offering and I nod moving closer. I smell his cologne even though its two am. Then I drift off.


"What the fuck?" I'm awaken by this lovely phrase and the slamming of a door. I groan and dig my head into someone shoulder.

"Reece make it stop.' I mumble and the person chuckles.

"I would but that's not who I am." It's Jake and for a moment I'm confused. Then I remover last night and I shudder.

"You alright?" he ask a bit sleepy. I nod.

"Yes I guess." He nods and kisses the top of my head.

"Lets go get food." He says and I nod I agreement. We make out way to the kitchen quickly as Jake smells bacon. But before we enter he looks at me. I grab his hand and he squeezes it so I know he's there for me.

We enter and no one looks up and for that I'm glad. But when Casey catches eye of our hands his eyes widen. I'm not sure if its in shock, horror or jealousy or all three. I notice Reece isn't there yet and I sigh then relax. I lett go of Jakes hand and go to Cris to get down food.

"Hey kiddo. What do you want?" he asks turning all his attention to me. I tilt my head.

"Fruit salad. " He nods and smiles.

"Coming right up princess." I smile and thank him. When he gets done making it Chris slides the bowl of fruit to me. Then the door opens and everyone looks up.


I avoid looking at him but I can't help it. I look at him. His eyes are blood shot and his hands still shake. It's obvious that he didn't sleep last night. I sigh silently and go back to my fruit.

"What do you want mate?" Chris ask and Reece shrugs and sits. He looks depressed and I stab a piece of fruit hard before eating it. He keeps glancing at me and all I want to do is hug him. But I can't.

"Fruits fine mate." Reece mumbles trying to get his hands to stop shaking.

"Another bowl of fruit coming right up." Chris says with a smile.

No one says a word. All you can here in the room is the sound of metal on china. The forks and knife hitting each other and the plates. And it's slowly driving everyone insane.





I stand abruptly and everyone looks. I go and out my bowl and fork into the dish was he and then turn to everyone.

"I'm going to the gym room." Then I walk out.


Only like 5-10 more chapters left!!!!!

Instagram: @aye_reece_nutella or @morganallen1109

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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