twenty two

73 6 1

Wednesday, March 1st, 2019

Rachel Berry's Point of View:

As i woke up and memories of yesterday came rushing through my brain, all i could think about is how stupid I had been and have been acting for a while now. I really should learn to think things through before doing shit that will eventually hurt everyone around me and myself.

My phone began buzzing and it was a call from Finn. I answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, my love, I'm here to pick you up" he replied.

"But Sam always picks me up to go to school"

"Not today"

"Uhm, well, I'll be there in a few"

"Hurry, baby"

After that, I hung up. Baby? My love? Did he even do anything about the pictures? And if so, why didn't he tell me? Is Quinn okay?

I quickly got ready and ran out the door before my dads could question something. I got in the car and Finn drove us to school.

"Are you mad at me? You've been quiet the whole ride" he asked after parking the car.

"I just... I just don't like you like that" I explained.

"But you already agreed to dating me! Don't be ungrateful, I'm helping you with the pictures!"

"I know it was you who started!"

"You have no proof"

"I don't need to proof. I know you did it... I just need to know why? Why would you do such a thing?" I asked, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Baby, please, don't cry. I'm so sorry, I never meant for you to get hurt. I just wanted Quinn to suffer"

"Suffer how? By putting private pictures of us all over school?"

"Yes... I did that. And I'm sorry, but you have to understand that it was all to get back together with you!"

"Why would I get back together with you after all this?!"

"Because we're meant to be together! It's always been like this, it's you and me against the world, baby"

"Don't call me baby... I can't believe you'd do this..." I took a deep breath "I don't want us to date... or to talk... or anything. I want nothing to do with you"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that"


"If you're not my girlfriend, then I will keep posting pictures and ugly messages everywhere"

"Did Karofsky help you?"

"Well, yeah, but it was my idea. My plan. Now stop being noisy and date me!" He demanded.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. Planning on ignoring him.

"Don't leave me talking to myself" He yelled, while getting out and grabbed my hand "You're mine, Rachel"

"I'm not yours, Finn, now let me go"

"Not until you say that you're mine"

"Finn... you're hurting me"

His grip on my wrist only got tighter.

"Hi!" I heard a high pitched voice from behind us and Finn immediately let go of my hand. I took this as an opportunity and sprinted to the principal's office.

I'm a very smart person, I had recorded all the conversation.

"Hi, principal Figgings?" I asked and he let me in. I noticed Quinn was also there.

"It's perfect timing that you're here. I was just telling Ms. Fabray that making an accusation as big as that without proof counts as defamation"

"What did you tell him?" I asked Quinn.

"That you saw Karofsky and Finn doing all that picture thing" She replied. I could tell she was still mad at me... well, not mad... hurt.

"I have proof..." I said while taking my phone out and giving it to Figgings, playing the audio for him to listen to it.

"Those two children should be locked up in jail! That's blackmail" Mr. Figgings explained "I will take this to the student board, they will be expelled and the reason will forever be in their permanent record!"

Quinn smiled at me and I smiled back "Now, ladies, please go back to your classes, I will handle things from here. Rachel, please email me the voice note right now"

"Yes, thank you" I replied and left with Quinn.

I immediately sent the email.

The walk to the classroom was being kind of quiet until Quinn spoke up.

"I can't believe Finn would do something like that to me" That's when I finally looked at her, she had tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. I stopped walking and hugged her. Since there was no one in the hallway, she let go and cried a lot.

"He used to call himself my best friend, he was there... he has always been there. What changed? Why did he want to hurt me?" She cried "We were supposed to protect each other, not stab each other in the back"

We sat down on the floor, her head was on my lap and I was playing with her head to try and soothe her.

"Maybe it was my fault... It was my fault, I should've never kissed my best friend's girlfriend. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to fall in love with your BEST FRIEND'S girlfriend?"

"It's not your fault. We both were in the wrong for that, yes. But the pictures were other thing completely... he should've never done that, no matter what we did or didn't do"



"Do you promise to never leave me?"

"I do... I wouldn't even dream of it. I want to be with you... always. I wish to be with you every day, watch the stars with you, walk with you, tell the world that we're not just friends and say goodbye to sadness forever"

"You can't say goodbye to sadness forever" She replied while sitting down to face me.

"When I'm with you sadness doesn't matter, even if I'm angry at you or hurt... when I'm with you the rest of the world disappears and only you and I matter"

"I love you, Rachel... and I want to do this the right way"

"We already started the right way. Quinn" I took a pause "I've loved you since the moment I saw you"

"I've loved you since the moment I saw you, too" She smiled.

We shared a hug and then went to the classroom, Mr. Figgings had given us a paper saying we were late because we were in his office, so the teacher didn't give us detention for being late.

Quinn sat down next to Santana and I had to sit down next to Finn.

"Hi, baby" Finn said when I sat down.

"Don't call me that, we're not dating" I replied and he just laughed. As if disregarding my statement.

"Hey Mrs. Smith, may I borrow Finn Hudson?" Principal Figgings told the teacher.

Finn looked at me and when I smiled at him I could tell he knew everything. 

"I hate you, Rachel" he said before standing up. I stood up too, got close to him and said "The feeling is mutual"

He then left the classroom and my mind could only go to one person... Kurt.

a/n: vote if you like <3

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