twenty eight

40 3 0

Friday, May 5th, 2019

Rachel Berry's Point of View:

Quinn and I chose to audition with Te Quiodio by Pol Granch.

The auditions were during glee practice, as per usual, so I was anxiously waiting for the time to arrive.

"Hey, Rach, whatcha thinking?" Sam asked while sitting down next to me. I was skipping the second period, eating chips in the cafeteria.

"I'm not really thinking, just waiting"

"For the audition mail?"

"And for the duo audition"

"Oh, I don't really think you have much to worry about for that, almost no one is trying out for that one" she said, paused to think, then continued "Actually, I think only Tina and Mike, Brittany, and Matt are trying out. Mercedes was telling me we should also compete, but I wouldn't like competing against you, to be honest... you're kind of scary"

"Me? Scary? It's not like I'm gonna murder you if you win"

"No, but, I just don't feel comfortable competing against you, because I want you to win, but I also don't want Mercedes to feel like I'm putting you before her or anything..." she sighed "I don't know, Mercedes and I are in a weird place right now and I don't want to upset her"

"I see, have you tried talking to her about it?"

"I've tried a thousand different ways to get her to talk to me, but it feels as though she's avoiding me"

"When did it start?"

"When I came out to her, actually, but I don't want to think anything about that, because I don't want to face the fact that she doesn't want to be with me, because of who I am"

"Maybe she's confused about her sexuality" I said, trying to get Sam to feel less panicked, but it had the opposite effect.

"Oh, no, what if she's straight?" she panicked... am I... useless when trying to calm someone down? Because I'm starting to think I am.

"Well, if she is, I really hope she tells you fast, instead of leading you on... but, I don't know, she seems kinda fruity, I don't think she's straight" I said, and that seemed to work and calmed her down a little.

"Well, I think I can love her, so I just... I hope she's not straight and that she can love me, too"

"Sam" we heard someone say, interrupting our conversation. When turning around, we noticed it was Mercedes, I glanced at Sam and she looked terrified "I've been looking for you since first period" Mercedes laughed "For a minute there, I really thought you were avoiding me"

"I wasn't" Sam replied, looking down at her lap while playing with her hands.

"I was hoping we could maybe talk, I know you've noticed I haven't been myself lately" Mercedes said, sitting down next to Sam and grabbing her hands gently.

"Maybe we can talk later, I was helping Rachel with her audition and stuff" Sam said, clearly trying to avoid the conversation. I could tell she wanted to talk with Mercedes though, Sam's a big procastinator and she was feeling anxious enough as it is.

You might call me a bad friend for what I was about to do, but honestly, I just didn't want to prolong Sam's suffering, and that conversation needed to happen.

"It's okay, just meet me after last period, we have 15 minuts to prepare before Glee Club, and that way Quinn can be there, too. But thanks for your help, I love you, bye" I said and quickly left.

"Wait" Sam said, but I was already near the exit.

"Sorry, I've got class" I yelled and exited the cafeteria.

As nosy as I am, I didn't feel comfortable staying and hearing their conversation, and I don't think Mercedes would've felt comfortable either.

While walking to my locker I saw Quinn walking to hers, so I began walking faster to catch up with her.

"Hey, Q" I said happily.

"Hey Rach, I've been looking for you, you missed first and second period" she replied with a sigh.

"Yeah, I've just been feeling very anxious and I wasn't going to be able to sit down for two hours straight, so I've kinda just been walking around" I half-smiled.

"I'll lend you my notes" she paused, opening her locker, and taking out the books for the next class "What have you been feeling anxious about?"

As I was about to answer, Kurt arrived running towards us, with a piece of paper on one hand, and Blaine's hand on the other.

"Hi guys" I greeted them, Kurt seemed very excited.

"You won't believe the mail I just got" Kurt exclaimed.

Quinn closed her locker and stood next to me to face Kurt and Blaine, I guess she already knew what was on the piece of paper, because she placed her arm around my shoulder in a comforting matter.

"I got a callback for NYADA, the auditions are gonna be held next week" he began saying "And, Blaine, drumroll, please" he paused and Blaine did the drumroll thingy "The auditions will be held here and the head of the school, Carmen Tibideaux will be the one in charge of the auditions"

"Oh, wow, Kurt, that's amazing" I smiled "I'm really happy for you"

"What do you mean happy for me? You'll get the callback, too, I'm sure of it" he said and I shrugged.

"It's fine, I also applied for Yale" I replied.

"Wait, you did?" Quinn asked... right, I forgot to tell her.

"Yeah, I did, the same scout that's going to see you is going to check me out, too, actually" I replied, with a smile.

"Oh, my, that's amazing" Quinn smiled while embracing me in a hug.

"Yeah, it is"

"No, it isn't. You belong on Broadway, Rachel, don't give up on your dream, just because it came a little later than you thought it would" Kurt said.

"Yeah, I agree with Kurt, you've always talked about how Broadway is your dream" Blaine said.

"I mean, dreams change, I guess... I don't know, lately I feel like I don't know what I want" I chuckled.

"Well, whatever you decided, we'll be here to support you, that's for sure" Quinn said with a smile and I smiled back.

"Let's go to class" I said.

Just then, I got a notification on my phone.

"That the mail sound, check it right now!" Kurt said.

"Okay, okay, calm down" I replied and unlocked my phone to read the mail.

Dear Mrs. Rachel Barbra Berry:

Congratulations! It's with great pleasure that we inform your audition tape was seen and well received by our office. Your next audition will be held at William McKinley's High School in the auditorium. What you need to know and things you might need are the following:

Date: Friday, May 12th, 2019

Hour: 6:30PM

Thing you need: a killer audition song

All best of lucks!

- The New York Academy of Performing Arts' admissions office

"Holy shit" I exclaimed after reading the mail.

"What? What is it?" Quinn asked with a smile.

"I'm auditioning as well" I replied.

After a few cheers, we hugged, and then walked to our next class.

a/n: vote if you like <3

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