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It was hard letting them go on tour, if I could, I would have hid them in my garage for all eternity, but I couldn't. They had a job, a career to maintain, and I didn't want to get in the way of that.

It's been different, very different without them. The house isn't has loud anymore and my mum isn't buying a lot of groceries anymore. My living room is never full of sleeping boys and I wake up whenever I want now.

They were right when they said they'd keep in touch with me, well, most of them. Ashton stopped. He doesn't talk to me anymore and he always finds excuses to get out of video calls. He got tired of me. He forgot.

I heard he got himself a supermodel as a girlfriend, and I'm extremely happy for him. He had forgotten all our promises, but that's fine. It's his life, let him do what he wants. After all, I have Josh. I still like him, a lot. Maybe I'll tell him I changed my mind and would love to go out with him. I hope it's not too late.

Josh and Kelsey was there when I found out and cried my eyes out. For some strange reason, a part of me believed Ash would keep his promise. That he'd be mine when the tour was over.

I keep in touch with Calum and Michael the most. They're always the ones who inform me on the smallest and biggest things that happen on tour, such as awards nominees and what they ate for breakfast.

Me, Josh, and Kelsey have gotten closer than ever. We hang out almost everyday all day. My mum treats Josh like a son and so does my dad.

I'm also happy to say that Josh has been clean from self-harm since the day we went to the boys' concert. That's a long time, almost four months, and I'm extremely proud of him.

So yeah, it's not the same without the boys, but I'm managing. I see them on the television and watch their interviews and stalk their social medias. I'm like obsessed with them.

Kelsey has also dyed her hair yet again, this time it was dip dyed with a bright pink. She rocks it even better than Michael did when he was younger.

Oh! Michael also promised he'll let his hair grow out. It's red now and I'm proud of that little vampire. He won't be almost bald when I see him again. Hopefully he tans too, he's like a saltine cracker.

My adoptive parents also met my real parents. They hit it off and are now best friends. They talk a lot and I bet it's about me and how crazy I am.

Now, I'd hate to cut this reunion short, but I must. I really have to go pee. I'd love to say this isn't a goodbye, but a see you later but I can't, that'd be lying.

So goodbye from Calum's not-so-secret-anymore little sister xx

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