Chapter 2: Chloe's POV

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Today is going to be a nightmare! Today we have to recruit people to audition for the Bella's and its gong to be impossible since Aubrey blew chunks last year at the ICCA's. There is so much riding on this season, especially because I'm a senior this year so we have to go out on top.

Aubrey and I run the booth at the activities fair to try to recruit singers to audition. Usually we only audition girls with "bikini ready bodies and perfect pitch" but this year were just looking for good singers, which might make things easier.

Then I see her. The alternative girl who looks like a real bitch but probably has a soft side. I am immediately trying to find ways to get this girl over to our booth. I need to get to know this girl and this is the perfect excuse to do just that. When i finally got her to our booth we talked about the Bella's and what we do and asked her if she wanted to audition. she claimed that she didn't even sing.

About a month later, right before auditions I was in the shower when I heard the voice of an angel. I knew whoever it was would make a great addition to the Bella's. I am very confident in my body, so i chose to investigate the voice while still completely naked. I followed the voice to the source and opened the curtain to find the same alt girl from the activities fair. I'm not gonna lie, I thought this girl was hot before, but seeing her naked gave me a whole new perspective. It took everything in me not push her against the wall and kiss her right there. I did manage to resist the urge but holy shit it was one of the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.

I realized I was gay in middle school. I was bullied a lot because I was so open about it at a young age. Most people told me it was "just a phase" and that I would "grow out of it". It really sucked that people weren't more accepting and they judged me just because I don't love someone of the opposite gender. In high school I closed myself off from the world. I would sit alone at lunch, I would walk home alone, I never chose to hang out with anyone because I was afraid of being judged. Now that this girl came around, I feel like myself again. I feel like I can finally be myself and embrace who I am. For the first time in years, I am truly happy. I just wonder if she feels the same way about me.

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