Chapter 18: Chloe's POV

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Saying today has been interesting would be an understatement. Going to the doctor to simply find out the gender of your fiance's baby is one thing. Going to the doctor and finding out your fiance is having twins along with the genders is completely overwhelming. Not only that but all the Bella's are waiting at the house for the minute me and Beca get home so they can hear the news. They definitely won't be expecting this, I know I wasn't.

As we drive back to the Bella's house I can't help but smile watching Beca peacefully sleep in the passenger seat. When we stopped at a red light, I took a picture and sent it to the Bella's group chat. I smiled the rest of the drive home, I couldn't be happier. I found the girl of my dreams, I am engaged to that same girl, and in just four and a half short months we will be meeting our twin daughters.

We pulled into the driveway and I lightly shook Beca to wake her up. We walked into the house to find all the Bella's gathered around the living room waiting for Beca and I to arrive home. Aubrey was the first one to notice our entrance into the house.

"Guys! They're home!" The blonde shouted before coming over to embrace both of us into a hug. "We want to know everything! Are we getting a niece or nephew?!"

We walked into the living room and sat on the couch making Beca the center of attention considering that since she was pregnant she should be the one to share her news with the group.

"Well...," Beca's voice was extremely shaky and she looked nervous as hell, "We're having a girl."

Everyone cheered and got up to hug her but she interrupted, "You guys might want to sit back down, there's more." The girls looked at her confused but did as she said and returned to their seats around the living room. "The thing is...we are having a girl but doctor Jackson found out today that its not just one baby but... its two babies. We're having two baby girls."

There was silence in the room for not even thirty seconds before the girls began celebrating again. We spent the rest of the day watching movies, playing board games, and talking about love lives, classes, basically everything. Beca managed to sneak to our bedroom at some point and I didn't even notice she left because I got really caught up in the movie we were watching, which was a movie called Table 19. I think that Beca definitely looked like the main character, Eloise, but no one else agreed. When the movie was over I snuck out of the living room to go check on Beca. I went to our room and knocked on the door, but heard no reply. I slowly opened the door to find Beca passed out on our bed. I decided rather than wake her I would cuddle into her. I pulled her into me and softly stroked her hair. I slowly shut my eyes, realizing how thankful I am to have Beca in my life. If it wasn't for Beca, I might still be that distant girl that I was in high school. I shut my eyes and slowly dozed off, happy that this is the woman I would get to spend the rest of my life with.

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