Chapter 12: Chloe's POV

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Beca is three months pregnant. It's still too soon to find out if the baby is a boy or girl but Beca doesn't seem to be in any hurry to find out. Beca said the only thing that she's worried about is that the baby is healthy and growing like it should which it is. Jesse will still not take any ownership for his child which really just pisses me off. I don't know if Beca has told her family yet but I feel like an ass for not even telling my parents that I'm dating her yet. So today while Beca is busy in class, I decided to drive to see my parents to deliver the news to them.

I'm an only child, so I've never been able to keep secrets from my parents because they've always been super involved in my life and everything going on in my world. It feels so weird to keep secrets from the people that once used to know every detail about everything that went on in my life. My parents only live about an hour from campus, so it's not like I have to venture very far to go and see them. When I arrive at their house, I hesitate for a moment. My parents know I'm gay and they will probably be fine with the fact that I am dating Beca. The thing that worries me is telling them that she is pregnant and it's not my baby- I mean that's pretty obvious but still.

I get out of my car and approach the door. I open the door and find my mom and dad watching some show on TV.

"Hi, Mom and Dad!"

They turned around and looked at me surprised. They ran over to embrace me in a hug.

"We've missed you, Chloe!"

"I actually have something to tell you guys. You might want to sit down for this."

They returned to the living room and we sat in silence for a moment so I could gather my thoughts.

"I met this girl, and she makes me extremely happy..." My mom cut me off.

"Chloe, that's wonderful! What's her name?"

"Her name is Beca Mitchell, but there's more."

"What more is there to it? My little girl is happy isn't that enough?" My father questioned.

"Before Beca and I started dating, Beca had a one night stand with a guy named Jesse. It didn't turn out to be any more than that, until a few weeks ago when Beca found out she was pregnant with Jesse's baby, and the worst part of all this is Jesse isn't even planning to have any part in his child's life."

At this point, I am crying and my mom comes over to hug me. My parents tell me that regardless of if the baby is biologically mine or not that it shouldn't change my relationship with Beca and how I feel about her. I left their house feeling better about the whole situation, with a new outlook on how to tackle the whole situation. I whispered to myself when I got into my car, "We can do this. We're going to be great parents."

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