Chapter 17: Beca's POV

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*Author's Note: This chapter does contain extremely poorly written smut.*

It's been two weeks since Jesse showed up unannounced in mine and Chloe's bedroom and I haven't heard from him since. Not that I really give a shit, if I'm being honest. Jesse had his chance before and he blew it. End. Of. Story. Besides I had more important things to do than worry about his sorry ass. Today was my appointment where I would find out the gender of my child, and I was definitely ready.

I took the day off of class today and so did Chloe so that she could be at the appointment with me. My appointment wasn't until noon and it was only ten o'clock now, not to mention that Chloe was still fast asleep. I decide to just leave her sleep and headed toward the closet to start getting ready. As I passed the sleeping ginger beauty, I felt hands grab at my waist. I turned around to see her gorgeous blue eyes staring up at me. She moved over and patted the spot next to her telling me to sit next to her. I sat down next to her and she laid a soft kiss upon my lips. With being pregnant and having my hormones all over the place, just a soft kiss like that would put me in the mood, and right now the urge was hard to fight. Chloe noticed that look of desperation in my eyes as she looked over at the clock on her nightstand which read 10:15.

"You know it's only 10:15," Chloe said seductively, "Why don't we finished what we started?"

I took no hesitation after she said this quickly pulling her lips into mine kissing her deeply and passionately still craving more of the ginger. I practically ripped off my shirt and then immediately went back to kissing Chloe. I still wanted more so I didn't even wait for her to take her shirt off, I pulled it off her myself and began groping her breasts, yet I still craved more. I bit my lip as Chloe pushed me down on our bed hovering over me. She began sucking at my neck and I let out a soft moan, as she moved her way down my body I just wanted more. She began kissing my breasts which made me moan again, only louder this time. Chloe kissed her way down my torso until she was right above where my pants still remained. She kissed along my waist before pulling off the shorts and underwear that I had worn to bed the night before. She began kissing all around my center which was driving me crazy. Finally, she inserted a finger, causing me to grasp. It felt so good and I didn't want her to stop. She inserted another finger and began fingering me getting faster and faster as she went. "Chloe! Yes! Yes! More baby!" She removed her fingers and began sucking at my clit and I threw my head back grasping at the bed sheets. When she was done she gave a long rough kiss and smiled at me.

"Thanks, Chlo. I really needed that."

"Anytime Bec. I love you."

"I love you too."

We both rose from the bed and headed to the closet to get ready for my appointment. I decided to keep it casual and comfy, throwing on sweatpants, a baggy sweater, along with a pair of Chloe's UGG boots and my hair in a messy bun.

We arrived at the doctor's office and sat in the waiting room for what felt like forever. Finally, the nurse called my name and showed me to a room down the hall. Doctor Jackson came in and did the exams procedures he does at every appointment, then went and got the stuff for my ultrasound.

"Were you wanting to know the gender today Ms. Mitchell?"

I nodded and smiled at Chloe as the cold gel touched my stomach. I looked over at the ultrasound and then to Doctor Jackson, who had an odd expression on his face.

"Is there something wrong with the baby?" Worry was now taking over in my voice so Chloe grabbed my hand and rubbed my back.

"Everything with the baby is fine," He assured me and I let out a sigh of relief. "But it appears that you're not just having one baby...Ms. Mitchell, you're having twins." The news hung in the air for a while leaving an awkward silence upon us. "Would you still like to the gender of your babies?"

I nodded and he went over to the ultrasound and did his thing. After about five minutes he looked over to me and Chloe and said, "Well it looks like you are going to be proud parents to two healthy baby girls."

I smiled at Chloe and allowed a tear to escape my eye. I couldn't tell if I was crying out of happiness or out of fear now knowing that I'm not just having one baby but two babies. Doctor Jackson scheduled my appointment for next month and left me and Chloe so that I could get cleaned up.

"Beca, I know you're scared right now and you should be. I want you to know that I will be here for you every step of the way to help you raise these twin girls as if they were my own kids. I love you so fucking much Mitchell."

"I love you too Beale." I smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder as she wiped the gel off my stomach.

In the car, I decided to text Jesse and tell him the news I had just received. Even if he didn't want to help me raise these babies he still had the right to know.

Me: Hey Jesse. I just went to the doctor and got some unexpected news. I'm having twins. Twin girls to be exact. I know you might not give a shit about me or your unborn daughters but I thought you at least had the right to know.

Jesse: I'm really sorry that I hurt you Beca. Would it be possible for us to meet up somewhere and talk this out? I really want to try to be a part of my daughter's lives and I really want to work things out between us so we can at least be friends.

Me: I'm not free until Friday next week and I can't do anything until after 12 o'clock. I'll meet you at Starbucks at one o'clock next Friday.

Jesse: Thank you so much Beca for giving me a chance! I promise you won't regret this!

I put my phone away still thinking about how Jesse said I wouldn't regret giving him a chance but I had so many doubts in my mind. Was I really doing the right thing? Is my children knowing their father really worth me getting hurt again? I gazed out the window and shut my eyes, and as I did all the thoughts that were flooding my head were gone.

The Perfect TwoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ