Chapter 22: Chloe's POV

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A/N: This is just a filler chapter but its still cute so I included it anyway :)

Beca has been on bed rest for a month and a half. Don't get me wrong, I love Beca but I feel like I do everything in our relationship. I just wish things could go back to the way they were before we found out that she was pregnant. Even just for a couple of hours, just as long as it would just be me and her together again.


I arrived back to the Bella's house after my final class to find all the girls gathered in the living room watching a movie. I searched the room to find Beca but had no such luck.

"Where's Beca?"

"She's in your room resting." Cynthia Rose said with a friendly smile.

I smiled back before leaving the room.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom to find Beca laid across our queen bed messing around on her computer. I smiled when her deep blue eyes met mine.

"Hey sexy lady," I said causing Beca to laugh hysterically. I walked across the room and sat down on the bed, and she instantly snuggled into me.

"I missed you today." She said leaving a soft kiss on my lips.

"I missed you too, baby"

I looked down at Beca to see her eyes full of wonder.

"The babies are kicking," she said, a smile taking form on her face. "You want to feel?"

"Yes!" I said, probably a little too excited, which caused Beca to laugh. Beca placed my hand on her stomach and that's when I felt it. I felt the babies kick for the first time.

"Wow," was all I was I could choke out, which made Beca smile.

"I'm so happy I get to experience this with you, Chlo. We're going to be great parents."

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