Chapter 9: Beca's POV

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I walk over to Jesse's room, feeling extremely nervous. The last time I talked to Jesse was when we hooked up so I'm afraid to even knock on his door, but I have to tell because it's his baby. As I get closer to Jesse's room I keep whispering to myself, "You can do this Beca. You can do this." I don't know if I will ever be able to really explain why I found this to be comforting but I did. I arrived at Jesse's room, yet I hesitated for a moment. I could turn back and just decide not to tell Jesse at all. After that though, it was like I slapped myself back to reality. I'm Beca fucking Mitchell and I don't just give up when times get tough. I knocked on the door and waited for Jesse. When he finally came to the door he stood there and looked at me almost like he was surprised to see me.

"Beca, what are you doing here?" He sounded almost like he was unhappy about the fact that I was in presence.

"Jesse, we need to talk. Can I come in?"

"I guess. Let's just make this quick. I have class in twenty minutes."

I walked into Jesse's room and sat down on his bed. I'm still searching for the words I wanted to say to him when all of a sudden I just blurted out, "I'm pregnant with your baby!" *Real smooth Mitchell, Real smooth*. I couldn't believe I just did that.

Jesse looked at me in awe. He didn't know what to say. After about five minutes he finally said, "Are you sure it's mine?"

"Well I don't think Chloe got me pregnant, and your the only other person I've been with so yeah I'm pretty sure it's your baby."

"Beca, I'm not ready for a baby."

"You really think I am! What an incredibly insensitive thing to say to me right now!"

"What do you want me to do Beca?!"

"Nothing Jesse. Just forget that we ever had this conversation. Just don't expect to ever see your child."

With that, I walked out of Jesse's room slamming the door behind me. I ran back to my room and I had a complete breakdown. My child is going to grow up without their father, just like I had to grow up without my mother. The thought of this only made me cry more until I eventually fell asleep.

Author's Note: I used the "What an incredibly insensitive thing to say to me right now" quote from The Hollars in this chapter because 1. it fit into the storyline quite nicely and 2. I really like The Hollars. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and feel free to comment any feedback or things that you are enjoying from the story so far ~ XOXO Nicole :)

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