Chapter 8: Chloe's POV

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"How are you gonna tell Jesse?" I asked Beca.

She looked like was about to break down and start crying again so I pulled her in tighter. Of course, Beca immediately pulled away because she doesn't like people seeing her in her times of weakness. She says it "ruins her Badass image."

"When I tell Jesse he's going to think that we have to get together because we are having a baby together," Beca paused still sobbing, "But I don't love him. Chloe, you're the only that I love. I just don't want Jesse to get the wrong idea."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to have to tell him. I just don't know how."

"Do you want me to go with you when you talk to Jesse?"

"I appreciate the offer but I have to do this myself. Babe, I just want you to know that I love you so much and I'm not going to stop loving you just because I'm having Jesse's baby."

The only thing that I could think to do was smile. It was so nice to know that regardless of Beca and Jesse having a child together that Beca had no intentions of getting together with Jesse. I can honestly say I've never seen Beca look so scared about really anything. I just know that she needs me right now more than ever and I will do whatever she needs me to do. I know Beca is going to make a great mom, I just have to show her that she's going to be a great mom so that she stops doubting herself. I pulled Beca close and we are once again laying on Beca's bed, cuddled close, and Beca starts to doze off.

"I love you Bec," I whispered

Beca whispered, "I love you too Chlo" before finally falling asleep. 

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