Chapter 27: Beca's POV

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We finally reached the maternity ward and Chloe paused for a moment in the hall after we stepped out of the elevator. "Here comes the next chapter of our lives," she said with a small smile growing on her face, "Let's do this."

She wheeled me to the reception desk and began talking to the woman at the counter. "Hi, my girlfriend is in labor."

Soon enough we were being taken into a room with a swarm of nurses around us checking how close together my contractions were, making sure that the babies were doing alright and paging Dr. Jackson so that he was aware that I in fact in labor. Chloe held my hand through everything, telling me ever so often how much she loved me.


After seven hours of active labor, many tears shed from both me and Chloe, and twenty pushes later, Brooklyn Grace Mitchell and Isabella Joy Beale were born. Isabella was born first at 11:15 pm weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and she measured at 20 inches. Brooklyn was born at 11:30 pm weighing 5 ½ pounds 2 ounces and she measured at 18 inches. The babies were absolutely perfect in every way. Brooklyn looked exactly like me from her soft brown hair to her deep blue eyes, she was a spitting image of me. If the same is true for her attitude when she gets older, it looks like Chloe and I are going to have our work cut out for us. Isabella surprisingly didn't look much like Jesse at all though. She did have the same facial structure as Jesse, her smile and her nose looked just like his, but other than that she barely looked him. The funny thing is she didn't remind me much of myself either, she reminded me of Chloe. She had the same bright blue eyes and soft red hair that Chloe possessed and I couldn't help but smile at her.

Chloe sat in the chair next to my hospital holding Isabella, who I had officially nicknamed Mini Chloe, and I couldn't help but smile at the exchange occurring before my eyes. As she sat there and looked at Isabella her eyes sparkled, the same way they do when she looks at me. She looked up and smiled at me when she noticed I was staring, chuckling slightly.

"You did it, Bec," She whispered, careful not to wake the sleeping infants, "Were officially parents."

Hearing Chloe say it out loud made it feel so much more real all of a sudden which brought tears to my eyes. Except for this time as the tears streamed down my face, I wasn't afraid and I was far from upset, these tears were tears of joy.

As this exchange was occurring between Chloe and I, Jesse appeared in the doorway with a bouquet of roses in hand. Although Jesse and I had problems before, we were able to put those differences behind us and we agreed to be friends.

"Hey Bec," He said walking toward my bed. As he approached, he saw Brooklyn sleeping in my arms and a smile formed on his face.

"She looks just like you," he said finally making eye contact with me.

"Do you want to hold your daughter?" I asked, chuckling slightly at the way he was looking down at the sleeping infant in my arms.

He said nothing but nodded and held out his arms to receive the baby from my arms. I handed him the child and his eyes lit up in a way that I have never seen them do before. It almost made me regret that fact that things didn't work out between Jesse and I. He sat at the end of my hospital and just stared down at Brooklyn for what seemed like an eternity. After a while, however, he did hand the baby back to me and went over to Chloe to meet Isabella. The face he made when he first looked at Isabella, matched my reaction exactly, immediately noting that she looks exactly like Chloe.

Jesse looked over at me and I could tell that he was going to tell a stupid joke about the situation, "Beca are you sure that Chloe doesn't have a dick, cause this one looks just like her." He immediately began hysterically laughing at his own joke and I have to admit that I also thought it was pretty funny. Chloe, however, turned red in the face attempting to stifle a laugh, slapped Jesse repeatedly to the best of her ability considering that she was in fact still holding an infant.


By one in the morning, everyone was gone and the twins were taken to the hospital nursery to rest for the night. Jesse, all the Bella's, my mom and dad, and Chloe's parents had all come to see the twins and spoil them with the presents from the baby shower and stuff that they had bought in the hospital gift shop.

After we had finally had a chance to go to bed, Chloe curled up in the bed beside me and passed out just as quickly. Me on the other hand, I had way too many thoughts flowing through my head so sleep was not coming as easily to me.

At this moment, I couldn't be more thankful that this next phase of my life would be spent with Chloe by my side. Would I have wanted to wait a few years before having kids: definitely, but would I go back and change things if I knew what the outcome would be: absolutely not. With my mind finally, at ease, I snuggled into Chloe and shut my eyes allowing sleep to overtake my body.

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