Chapter 25: Beca's POV

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"Mom how much longer?!" I whined, not quite sure which direction to look because she blindfolded me before she let me into the car. It's been two months since my mom and I reconnected, and I can honestly say I'm so happy to have her back in my life again.

"Not much longer, Bec," she said with a slight chuckle, "Can't you just be patient?"

The car came to a stop, and I heard my mom open her car door shortly before opening mine. She led me into a building before finally taking off my blindfold. I looked around the dark room, very confused as to why she had brought me here.

"Mom, what's going..."

Before I could finish, the lights came on and people began jumping out to yell "Surprise!" I must have looked really confused because when Chloe approached me because she chuckled at me before she was able to explain herself.

"It's a surprise baby shower, Beca," Chloe explained, still laughing at my stunned expression.

"And whose idea was this?" I asked, furrowing my brows and trying to hide a smirk.

"It was mine, with help from your mom, of course," her smile grew slightly, but quickly faded, "Bec, do you not like it?"

"No baby," I said with a reassuring smile, "I love it ." I slightly leaned forward and pecked Chloe on the lips, while she hummed into our kiss.

Soon enough the rest of the Bella's were gathering around us. They talked about the twins and how excited they were. Fat Amy even said that she was gonna be their cool aunt who takes them out and gets them drunk when they're not supposed to. I laughed but Chloe wasn't humored as easily by Amy's master plan. When the girl's had finally spread out to enjoy the party, I was finally able to find my dad, sitting at a table on the other side of the room, with no sign of Sheila. I approached the man and a smile began to form on his face.

"Hi dad," a small smile now beginning to form on my own face.

"Bec, you look great," He said, his smile growing.

"Thanks, dad. It means a lot to me that you're here, you know?"

"I know, Bec," he said, "I wouldn't have missed this day for anything."


The games eventually began and the shower was actually a lot of fun. There was a game where people had to guess how big my belly was. Then there was a game called Hang the Diaper, and Fat Amy got a little carried away and broke the line we were using to hang the diapers on. Finally, there was a game called Dirty Diapers, that had different chocolate bars melted into diapers and you had to guess the candy bar. Surprisingly, Chloe hadn't gotten a single one wrong.

While Chloe was dominating against Aubrey at the game, I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I thought that it was probably nothing, I'm only eight and a half months pregnant and the twins aren't due for another two weeks. I ignored the pain until something happened that I couldn't ignore quite as easily. I pulled on Chloe's arm to grab her attention. She turned around to face me with a huge grin on her face. She leaned down and pecked my lips, humming into the kiss.

"Are you having fun?" she asked ecstatically.


"Do you think we should do presents yet?" she continued, ignoring me.


"Or maybe we should do the cake now?" she suggested, not even acknowledging that I was speaking to her.

"CHLOE!" I finally yelled grabbing her attention and earning some stares from the other guests.

"Beca what is it?" she asked sympathetically.

"Chlo, my water just broke."

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