Chapter 13: Beca's POV

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It's been two weeks since I went to the doctor, and I decide it's finally time to tell my dad and the Stepmonster. Well maybe not the Stepmonster, but I at least feel like it's time to tell my dad. Chloe comes with me which makes me feel a little better about going to tell my dad. Chloe drives because she can tell my nerves are getting to me. In the car, I'm trying to plan out what I'm going to say to my dad. I never even told my dad that as I was bi, let alone that I have a girlfriend and I'm pregnant because of a night and drunken stupidity. But hey no pressure right?

We arrive at the house and I feel more nervous than when I found out I was pregnant. I walk to the door with Chloe following behind and knock on the door. We stood and waited on the porch when Sheila answered the door. For some odd reason seeing Sheila made me feel nauseous, so I pushed past her and ran to the bathroom, leaving Chloe alone on the porch with the Stepmonster. From the bathroom, I could hear Chloe trying to smooth things over with Sheila.

"I think she just ate something bad, we did have some pizza on the way here."

I heard Sheila invite Chloe into the house and the door shut. I left the bathroom and walked to the living room to see the two of them sitting on the couch awkwardly not speaking to one another at all.

"Is my dad home?"

"Yes, he's upstairs and he'll be down in a minute." Of course, she said this in the most sarcastic way possible because she never really liked me. My dad came downstairs and looked surprised to see me there.

"Dad we need to talk about a few things."

As soon as I said that Sheila got up, grabbed her purse off the counter and her car keys, and walked out of the house without saying a word to anyone. With that, my dad came and sat on the couch and we sat in silence for a moment.

"Dad before I say anything I would like to introduce to you to Chloe. I met her through the Bellas and we have become really good friends."

My dad looked at Chloe, smiled politely and returned his eyes back to me, once again making me the center of attention. I took this as my sign to continue.

"I feel like I've been keeping this from you for too long. So first things first, I'm bisexual, which leads me to the next thing I need to tell you. Chloe over there, she's my girlfriend and I love her more than I ever loved anyone in my life. She makes me extremely happy. I hope you can except her and be happy that I'm truly happy with Chloe."

I stopped to let him process this for a moment. After about ten minutes of silence, he looked to me with an expression is never seen on his face before.

"I'm really happy for you Bec. If Chloe is who makes you happy then that's fine by me. I'm really happy that your happy Beca."

I sat for a moment and embraced the fact that my dad was actually happy for me, Then I realized I still have to tell him that I'm pregnant.

"Dad, I have something else that I need to tell you that is pretty important."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

I took a deep breath and began, "A couple of months ago, at the beginning of the school year there was a party after I had gotten accepted into the Bellas. I met this guy named Jesse we danced together but we drank too much and we slept together. I didn't think much of it until about two weeks ago. Dad, there's no easy way for me to say this but I'm pregnant."

My dad sat with a look of shock and disappointment on his face. I went on and told him that Jesse knows about the baby but wants no part in his child's life. My dad told me that although he's not happy with the decisions I've chosen to make, he will still support me and help me with the baby in whatever way he can.

"Hey dad, can you promise me one thing?"

"Sure, Bec. What is it?"

"Don't tell the Stepmonster that I'm pregnant."

My dad gave me a nod and with that, I said goodbye to my dad. He had told Chloe that it was nice to meet her which is another statement I seldom hear from my father. I left the house feeling relieved and I realized that for the first time I finally was establishing the relationship with my father that I always wanted as a child. At this point in my life, it finally seems as if everything is going in my favor, and I couldn't be happier. 

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