XVII- legilimens!

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The trio and Aliana were with Hagrid

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The trio and Aliana were with Hagrid. They just had met Grawp. Aliana stood back nervously as Harry held her hand comforting her.

As Hagrid started talking about Grawp he grabbed hermione.Aliana was freaking out now, "Harry- i- i don't know about this."

Hermione was not having it, she pointed, "PUT ME DOWN!"

Hagrid looked up at Grawp.
Hermione continued still pointing sternly at the giant, "now."

He gently put her down looking a bit upset.
Ron said awkwardly next to hermione, " you alright?"

hermione nodded as harry looked up at Grawp, "i think you've got an admirer."

the three stared at harry confusedly.
Ron said annoyed at the giant, "you just stay away from her alright?!"

Grawp turned around and grabbed the handle of a broken bike with a bell on it.

Grawp touched the bell causing it to ring.
he handed hermione the broken piece of bike slowly.

Hermione looked around silently, everyone waited silently for hermione to ring the bell.

She sighed as she touched the bell which let out a charm.Grawp smiled as he rang the bell a couple more times.

Hagrid said looking at the four, "you will
look after him will ya? gm we're the only family he's got."

They all nodded looking at the friendly giant.
As they all walked back Ron said to Hermione, "Mione, is there anyway you can do my homework?"

Hermione glared at him, "Do?"

He gulped, "or help me?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes Ron i will help you with your work."

The two walked away to the library.

Aliana said breaking the silence, "Where are you going?"

Harry sighed, "To Snapes, i'll meet up with you later ok?"

Aliana nodded as he kissed her cheek and walked away.

She decided to go meet up with Hermione and Ron to do a few extra school work.
Snape said as harry sat down,  "yes their is a connection between the dark lords mind and you're em whether is as yet aware of this. pray he remain ignorant."

Harry gulped, "If he knows about it.. then he will be able to read my mind..."

Snape snapped, "Read it?! control it. In the past it was often the dark lords letter to invade minds of his victims creating visions designed to torture them into madness... only after extracting the last exquisite answer and only when he had them literally begging for death he would finally kill them.."

Harry breathed heavily as Snape said louder, "used properly the power of our clemency will help shield you from access or influence in these lesions i will attempt to penetrate your mind.. you will attempt to resist... prepare yourself. "

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