Ep •2•

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I twirl  around the pole bouncing along with the beat while i perform for some men standing around the  stage set throwing bills at me every time i drop my ass or flash a smile their way

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I twirl around the pole bouncing along with the beat while i perform for some men standing around the stage set throwing bills at me every time i drop my ass or flash a smile their way .This is my last performance of the night and I've already made enough money to be set for the entire week .

The men in the club are so obsessed with my face and body that I don't need to do much dancing in order to get paid . All i need to do is give them the fantasy that they have a chance and boom a quick band in my lap . That's the only pro about this job . Taking advantage of these horny ass men .

"Damn ma " I hear under me feeling a hard slap on my ass making me jump

"Aye nigga keep yo muthafucking hands to yo self "I hear a loud voice warn the man while he rolls his eyes throwing some more money slouching in his seat

"Thank you " I nod at the security guard who spoke while does the same and stands there at full attention. Thank god dess got him to keep an eye on my set cause these men been acting up all night . It's definitely time for me to go .

"Oh shittttt everybody put your glasses up we got a special guest in the building ! " I hear the dj yell over the mic getting everyone's attention " yall make some noise for my nigga King vonnnnnn!" He screams and people start to cheer . I recognize the name and shift my eyes over to the front of the building to see the one and only von walking into the club . What is he doing here ... again ?

I watch him speak to a couple people and nod  to the music as he scans the crowd as if he's looking for someone who I'm assuming is dess

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I watch him speak to a couple people and nod to the music as he scans the crowd as if he's looking for someone who I'm assuming is dess .

She said she knows him personally and by personally I'm going to assume it's because she pleases him when he comes in here cause I'm pretty sure he gives a good tip . Money and the other one . Oh my god jayda shut the hell up .

I laugh to myself and continue my dance , collecting all the money I can glancing at Von a few times seeing him still searching . I wish I could keep my eyes off of him longer than two seconds but for some reason everything about him is so interesting. Even his walk . It's like he stands out on accident , the shit is definitely a sight to see .

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