Boo You Whore

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IM SO LATE IM SORRY! I'm not going to make excuses except I'm mentally and physically drained. Side note, fuck school and everything that goes with it. Excluding orchestra. I also would've updated sooner but I went camping against my will and maybe fell in love...

Anyways, enjoy! Don't forget to vote and do your homework!

I scanned over the text messages, my brows furrowed in confusion and worry. I glanced back up to stream and sighed. I put my phone, face down, on the desk and closed down my game after saving it. I said goodbye to stream and shut down my computer. I looked over to Nai and frowned.

"This is the part where I leave isn't it?"

I nodded, opening my phone. "I wouldn't have you leave but this is important to me."

"Well don't let your dinner get cold. I made it just for you and me." Nai smiled and skipped out of room, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door clicked behind her I jumped up and stepped into my bathroom turning on the lights. I closed the door for maximum privacy and sat down on the counter.

"Vinnie! Oh my god hii!" Max piped up at the sight of me and I could smell the alcohol from here. She was drunk. "I have been having the worst week and you calling made my day sooo much better." Max giggled and I pursed my lips.

"Are you drunk?"

Max shrugged. "Tipsy."

"What the hell happened?"

"So you have a friend and he emailed my boss all like 'Hi I'm this big influencer guy and I want your employee to take another three days off to be with her hookup! This would be amazing and influential for vinnie who she recently saw in fluoride! Florida. Whoops." Max laughed and I frowned.

"Did...Alex email your boss?"

"Someone did. Then he got in my case about lying and now I'm fired." Max grinned and I sighed.

"Is there anyway you can get your job back?"

"Nope." Max popped the p and I sighed in frustration.

"I'll handle this alright. I don't think I can get your job back but I'll try to get on Alex's case."

"Kay. Who was the girl who hand fed you?"

"She didn't hand feed me Max. She just brought me dinner."

"So she's your slave?" Max raised her eyebrows. "Kinky." I rolled my eyes, fed up with the girl on my screen.

"Max you're drunk. Go to sleep and I'll call you later."

"Boo you whore." Max abruptly hung up on me and I groaned. I put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs, looking for a specific blond.

"Really Alex? Emailing her boss?" I closed the fridge door, confronting Alex head on.

"What are we talking about?"

"Max? The girl from the nail salon? You emailed her boss to try to convince him to give her some days off." I tried to jog his memory. Alex's face lit up in recognition and he nodded.

"What about her? Did she get the days off?"

I nodded, plastering on a smile. "Yeah and the rest of the year off too. And y'know the year after that and the year after that. In fact she doesn't even have to come back! Wonderful isn't it."

Alex's face dropped. "She got fired?"

"She had to lie to her boss to get time off and now she's fired because he found out. Through your email."

"Well maybe I could-" I put my hand up, silencing him.

"Don't bother. She's tried."

"Well what do you expect me to do Vinnie? If she's already tried there's not much I can do."

"You could apologize for starters."

Alex sighed. "Vinnie I'm sorry, I had-"

"Not to me idiot. I'm not the one you got fired. Write her an apology and I'll send it to her." I put my hands in my pockets and walked off. I slammed my door behind me. I ran my hands through my hair and groaned. I flopped on my bed and frowned.

Max's POV

The tears started welling in my eyes as I looked at my bank account. 3 thousand dollars were missing. Half my savings were gone. Four paychecks down the drain. I closed my phone and squeezed my eyes closed. I gripped my phone and felt myself start to shake. It was over for me. I was doomed.

I spent the day moping in my bed, curled up with Bear. I'd have to sell basically everything if I wanted to continue living here. All my furniture. My clothes. I'd have to move out. I might even have to give Bear away. I glanced at my phone and answered Vinnie's FaceTime.

"Hi Vin."

"Hi Max. You feeling alright?"

"Like a bag of shit. But we'll get by." I gave him a sad smile and pressed my face into the pillow.

"Still hungover?" Vinnie laughed and I shrugged.

"Sure. What are you doing right now?"

"Watching TV. You?"

"Same thing. Bear and me finally have time to binge watch Lucifer."

"Alex wrote you an apology but I don't think you want to hear it right now." I shook my head.

"I just want to watch TV and cuddle with Bear." I sighed. "I wish you were here."

Vinnie frowned "Me too. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I guess the good thing about being fired is I can come down for your birthday now."

Vinnie smiled. "Way to see the bright side."

I sighed and scratched Bear behind the ear. "I love this cat. He's so fluffy and big. I swear he grew like three inches since you left."

"How big is he now? He's 4 months old now?"

"14 weeks and 4 pounds. He's a big boy."

"Maybe you could bring him to LA?" Vinnie raised his eyebrows and I shrugged.

"I'll see what I can do. I'm sure Bear would love LA. He could get a tan, sip on martinis and fuck some other cats." Vinnie laughed and I smiled, the image in my mind being of a Sharpey Evans type of cat.

I stayed on call and talked with Vinnie for a couple more minutes before hanging up and tossing my phone onto my pile of clothes. I pulled the blankets around me and kissed Bear's head before attempting to go to bed.

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