Chapter 15: Secrets

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"We're sorry for all the problems caused, King Herrit, today we shall be leaving," King Vlakat said.

"Don't worry about the problems, it was nice having you around" King Herrit smiled.

As the adults talked, Killer was shocked to see Reaper and Geno around with all the other princes and princesses. Though Killer had heard rumors about Reaper and Geno becoming king and queen at a very young age. So even though they were already both king and queen they still got along better with those of their age. Reaper seemed to have a close friendship with the Nightmare's group while Geno had a closer relationship with the Royal Stars.

"Thank you for taking care of my son," Geno said, smiling at Killer. "I'm sorry if you didn't sleep much," Geno said, nervously.

"It's okay," Killer smiled.

Geno nodded and smiled.

"Still, I'm sorry if you didn't get that much sleep," Geno sighed.


Killer sat in the library reading. She was waiting for nap time to finally arrive. When it arrived she could easily sneak out the assassin and question them. She hadn't seen who they were, when she was attacked they were covered in many pieces of clothing and a cape.

A creaking sound was heard, Killer looked over and it was the main door. Nightmare had just opened it and now was closing it. Killer quickly got up and ran deeper into the library. She made sure to put the book she was reading back in its place. But did not notice that she actually put it wrong. Not to mention that the bookmark the book had, since someone else had been reading it, fell off.

Killer walked around the huge maze, making sure to keep an eye on Nightmare but stay hidden from him. She turned to the right, and then to the left. But soon stopped when she saw Nightmare stop close to the book she had just left.

He crouched down and grabbed something, a small string. Suddenly he looked up at the book Killer had been reading. Slowly he extended his arm and grabbed it. Killer could see the rage in his eyes. She was scared. Killer liked books but she was sure that Nightmare liked them even more or practically loved them. He growled softly and glared all around the hallway.

Suddenly his tentacles started coming out. They slithered around the floor and started spreading around. He just started walking as if searching for someone... for Killer. Softly gasping, Killer started slowly walking away. Suddenly she saw a tentacle coming towards her, she moved away and it just continued without noticing her presence. Quickly moving around trying to avoid the tentacles and being seen by Nightmare.

Killer suddenly remembered that Nightmare could sense auras. He probably knew she was here. Maybe not exactly knew it was her but probably knew where she was. Because for some reason he knew where she was.

Killer quickly turned around a corner as she heard Nightmare getting closer. Suddenly the steps stopped, Killer also stopped. Slowly she took a quick peek around the bookshelf and saw nothing. She slowly walked through that hallway, she could see the tentacles but they were lying motionless on the ground.

She slowly walked over to one but did not dare to touch it. She turned around since she heard breathing. Suddenly the tentacle behind her sprung to life and wrapped around her body. She gasped and tried to get it off her but failed.

"Gosh you really got angry over a bookmark didn't you?" Killer laughed nervously.

"Not only that... but I know you are planning something" Nightmare growled.

"Pffft, what makes you think that?" Killer laughed nervously.

"You normally take a nap after lunch," Nightmare simply said.

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