Chapter 28: Stuck in a room

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Time kept on moving on, everyone was excited. Soon the new king's coronation would come as Nightmare's and Dream's father was weakening. They would have waited until his death, of course like many other royals but that didn't happen in this case. His father had declared that his first-born son would become king. The thing was that no one knew which one of the twins was the first-born one. The king and queen had never said it either. Maybe they didn't know either? That wasn't possible, they wouldn't be so serious about this.

Trembling Nightmare helped Killer up, she had just vomited and fainted close to the toilet. He grabbed a towel gently and cleaned off Killer's face. He knew Killer would probably get mad but he changed her, her clothes had some vomit on them.

He kissed her forehead as he slowly lay her down on the bed, he smiled at her. He hadn't expected pregnancy so bad and was hoping that Killer truly didn't feel uncomfortable.


Killer was once again awake, Nightmare sitting next to her. They had just come back from eating dinner. Killer hadn't been feeling so well today but suddenly she was excited and feeling renewed.

"Do you think you have gotten pregnant?" Nightmare asked curiously.

"Maybe... but we can't be too sure! Also, the maids are saying that Cross will probably give birth around next month!" Killer exclaimed.

"Oh! I hope the offspring is healthy, the pregnancy seems to be going okay" Nightmare said.

"Yes, I agree"

Suddenly the door made a weird sound. Nightmare looked over to see the handle hard hit the ground. He quickly stood up and ran over to it. The small hole that was left seemed to have something inside that wouldn't allow the door to open. Nightmare pushed it, kicked it, he tried everything. By now Killer was trying to get him to stop.

His face scrunched up into a glare of pure hatred, who dared do this!?

"Nightmare! Relax!" Killer gasped, she was startled that everything had happened so fast.

One second she and Nightmare were relaxing outside on the balcony then Nightmare was kicking the door. She ran over to him as quickly as she could, ran over to him to see what had happened. Fear drowned her mind as she watched Nightmare suddenly kick the door, she had forgotten how aggressive he could be. Though it shocked her that the door could sustain such strength. Maybe it had been built so strong for that reason? In case Nightmare lost his temper and just decided to get rid of it...?

Killer grabbed Nightmare waist and started pushing him back, the other tried fighting back but was afraid he would hurt Killer. So he slowly started relaxing, allowing himself to be hugged by Killer, a frown was present on his face as he glared at the door.

"I know Nightmare, something is happening out there," Killer said, her voice as serious and cold as Nightmare's would have sounded. Only if he had talked, which he had not done.

"We should find a way on how to escape" Nightmare mumbled, he looked over to the balcony. That must be the only way they could escape. His face went into a frown as he thought about how to get down without hurting each other. Killer seemed to notice where he was staring at the balcony. She looked at Nightmare, it was getting dark. They should be careful when getting out since it would be harder to see around. She grabbed his hand and looked towards the balcony before looking back at Nightmare.

Both changed into more acceptable and comfortable clothes. Nightmare changed into clothes that he normally used for small expeditions. Killer surprisingly wore her assassin's piece of clothing. Nightmare seemed startled by it but said nothing.

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