Chapter 22: Surprise~!

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Ink glared at Error and Nightmare as both talked. Though she was quickly snapped out of it as Dream started talking to her and clapping his hands in front of her face. Ink quickly snapped out of it and concentrated back on his drawing.

"Sorry, I got distracted..." she mumbled, "what did you need?" Ink quickly asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I... don't worry about... why were you glaring at Error and Nightmare either way?" Dream asked.

"Nothing... it's just- nothing" Ink said uncertainly.


"Okay fine... look... it's just... I think Error is kind of suspicious and he's always making the wrong decisions! He's evil!" Ink gasped. Her voice straining at the end, she never thought she'd use such a word.

"Ink... Error isn't acting weird, you are" Dream said firmly.

"What!?" Ink exclaimed "he is evil! Trust me, you're wrong! I'm not acting weird" she cried, her voice breaking.

"Ink! What has gotten into you!?" Dream snapped as he stood up.

"Nothing! NOTHING!" ink snapped uncertainty "I- just forget it!" she mumbled out loud as she fully concentrated on her drawing once again. Dream rolled his eyes, Ink had been acting strange. Has something happened? Has her father been trying to manipulate her again? He sighed in defeat, he would make sure his friend was well later he needed to check on Cross again.

He got up and walked out of the library in his search for Cross. It had been a week since he had dramatically walked over towards his brother and cried around about Cross not being okay. Dream's twin brother, Nightmare, did help a lot by giving certain herbs that helped Cross feel better. But it just kept getting worse.

Soon Nightmare started saying... no... insisting that Cross was actually pregnant with Dream's child. As Dream exited the library he immediately saw an extremely flustered Cross and an excited Killer. Both were walking around the hallway's corner, heading towards the library.

"I told you it'd work!" Killer exclaimed, suddenly Cross froze as soon as she noticed Dream. Killer yelped a bit and was tugged backward when Cross stopped walking since both had been holding hands as Killer walked forward. Guiding Cross. Dream's face borrowed a bit, he was confused by Cross's reaction. Since he knew both of them wouldn't be walking forward any second, Dream decided to walk towards them.

The castle felt a bit colder, which was strange. It felt as if in the shadows eyes watched Dream as he neared both of the young ladies. It wasn't common for Cross to react like this, and she had never reacted like this towards Dream. Why did she fear him now? Had he done something wrong?

Killer finally noticed him after trying to get her friend to tell her what was wrong. She leaned and whispered something to Cross before giving a reassuring pat on her shoulder and heading forward. She smiled at Dream before continuing towards the library.

The footsteps stopped. Dream and Cross were looking at each other. Dream slowly spread his arms out wide for a hug, at first, Cross hesitated not knowing how to act but soon ran into his arms. Both stumbled a few steps back due to the impact. Dream held Cross closely, he didn't know why but he knew that she was scared. A sudden wave of protectiveness flooded over him, he would make sure she was going to be fine.

Dream was about to ask her, Cross, what was going on when he heard a sob. Startling him, though he decided this conversation was going to be more private so he gently and carefully brought Cross to their room. He tried helping her sit down but she wouldn't budge and just grab tightly onto him. So instead Dream just sat down with Cross on his lap.

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