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Grey glared at the map, he had been attacking so many small kingdoms but his family wanted to stop. Telling him that though he was the chosen of the Claw's, he could not become the most powerful.

Truly he didn't know why he craved all that power, he just felt like showing... someone, he did not know who... but he felt like showing that person or creature that he was truly powerful. That he was truly worth it. A true warrior.

He glared over towards June, she sighed as she stared at her brother. He was overworking himself.

"Killer won't care If you get stronger" she finally said.

She had been awfully quiet, probably thinking whether to say that or not. Grey huffed.

"I don't care about her" Grey mumbled under his breath, growing as he marked other routes on where to attack their new target.

"Doesn't seem like that but whatever" June said, she shrugged. "Go to sleep, we can continue with this tomorrow" she ordered.

Turning around to leave, Grey sighed. Though he did as his sister told him, he needed rest if he wanted to continue working. He yawned before heading over towards his tent.

"I must prove that I am strong... I must become the strongest" Grey angrily mumbled. "I must attack the Amaris kingdom again"



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