Chapter 3

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I'm sitting in my office signing papers for the company and looking at a few designs for my next opening club.  Sighing and taking a small sip of the rich alcoholic flavor I lean my head back on my leather brown chair trying to ease the headache that's forming.

I suddenly get a call from an unknown number. I usually never answer but my gut was telling me to and my gut is always right. So I picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello"I said coldly.

"I-is t-this Mr A-Antonio Romano?" The person on the other line stuttered. Since I'm in the mafia I'm always cold and rude except with my family.

"Yes, now who are you and what do you want?" He's wasting my time I need to finish work so I can be on time for dinner with my sons.

"Sir this is Texas Police Station we have your daughter here, her DNA matched with yours and she doesn't have a guardian, her stepfather just died. Would you like to take her in? If not she will be placed in an orphanage." The officer said making my hand freeze midair from where I was signing.

What the fuck is he talking about? I don't have a daughter, I mean, I have always wanted a daughter but me and my ex-wife didn't have one. And I never slept with another woman.

"Listen you have the wrong number I don't have a daughter." I answered rudely.

I was starting to get annoyed they can't even dial a number correctly.

"Sir your ex- wifes name was Vicky Simpson right?"Asked the officer.

What does that bitch have to do with anything? She could be dead for I care."Yes why ?" I asked getting really confused."And she left you and your sons and ran away right?" By now I was really starting to get mad. What the fuck does he think this is?A guessing game?

"Yes now spit it out I'm fucking busy "

"Sir your wife changed her name and she was pregnant when she ran away." He replied.

I sat their frozen. No this can' be possible, she wouldn't just take my child away from me, this is impossible. Fuck I can't even think clearly. I must have been quite for too long because the officer spoke again.

"Sir are you still there ?"I cleared my throat and replied "Yes I am can you send a photo of her and what's her name?" I spoke calmly after taking a few deep breaths."Yes sir I will send a photo and her name is Mirabelle Alexandra Thompson." Said the officer.

"So would you like to take her in? " Asked the officer.

"Yes I will take her in I will be there in a few hours since i'm coming from New York. " I replied, feeling my throat clog up.

"Ok sir I will get the papers ready for when you come." I hung up and put my phone on the table.

I couldn't believe this, a daughter, my daughter, I have a daughter. FUCK,that bitch, how could she? How could she keep my daughter away from me, my principessa, my babygirl. I missed 17years of her life from that bitch. I could never forgive myself. I felt something wet on my cheek. I raised my hand and wiped my cheek, I didn't even realize I was crying. I haven't cried in 30 years. I threw my phone across the room in frustration and watched it as it smashed in a thousand pieces. But that wasn't enough
I called my pilot from my other phone after hanging up with the officer.

" Get the jet ready we're going to Texas." I said as soon as he answered. "Yes sir." After that I couldn't control my anger anymore.

I sent a message to my 2nd oldest "Get a duffle bag ready we're going to Texas." Their was an instant reply "Yes dad." good.

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