Chapter 44

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So we're in the living room playing cards and I'm losing by the way and I don't know why. Me and Giovanni have been fighting a lot recently, I don't know what his problem is but I'm staying out of his way.

Who knows what will click in his head and he might hurt me so no thank you.

Anyways I'm sitting beside the triplets and Giovanni is glaring at me from his seat on the couch, I raise my eyebrows at him but he just rolls his eyes.

Dad then enters the room and all of us look at him, "The Spanish are coming over for dinner tonight, so be ready." He said looking sternly at us.

I furrowed my brows in confusion "The Spanish?" I questioned looking at him.

He looked at me and nodded his head "Yes, they're business partners of ours so we're just going to discuss business."

I mumbled an 'okay' and we continued our game. A few hours later and now we're sitting watching tv but I'm bored so I decided to go out and just drive around.

I got up and put on my shoes since I was already wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. I took the dogs with me to the living room and whispered in Gianni's ear since the others were engrossed with their movie. "I'm going out." He nodded and put a thumbs up.

I took the keys to a black Range Rover and got in along with the dogs. I drove around for a bit when I came across a pet shop when I suddenly remembered that they need some food.

I got out and left the dogs in the car and went inside the store. I bought them food and payed them got out and started driving to the supermarket.

I bought chocolate ice cream and multiple favors along with Oreos and milk. I payed and went to the park. I parked and got out with the dogs.

I walked them and they played and jumped around. They saw a couple dogs, some barked and some played with them.

After that I went to a close by shop and got a pair of heels for today's dinner. After that I went back home and went to my room. It was messy so I organized it and cleaned up the messes while color coordinating my clothes.

After a lot of cleaning and organizing I was finally done and everything was perfect.

I fed the dogs and went towards dads office to do some paperwork since I've been basically ignoring it.

I knocked and waited for him to call me "Come in." He yelled and I opened the door and entered them closed it behind me.

"Hey dad." I greeted with a smile.

He smiled back and leaned back on his chair "Are you okay principessa?" He asked.

I laughed and went closer to his desk "I'm fine, you got some paperwork I could do? Im bored." I said sitting on the chair.

He nodded and stood up and went to the shelf, he got out three big folders and handed them to me. He explained what I need to do and I nodded in understanding.

I left the office and went to my room and opened my laptop. I sat on my desk and put on some music, I like it I guess.

An hour flew by and I was half way done with the first file when someone knocked on my door.

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