Chapter 3, I don't fucking care dickhead

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(OTP/otp) means On The Phone.


Three months after the Dabi thing, Katsuki and Izuku got closer and closer. They are together nooow. Katsuki met everyone who works at Izuku's club and Izuku met everyone who works for Katsuki.

One day Izuku got a call, a call that he never wanted to happen, a call that changed everything.

Izuku got a call from Katsuki and he quickly picked it up at usual. Izuku was at work and Katsuki was God knows where.

Izuku (otp): "Hello there handsome"

Katsuki (otp): "Hello bunny boy, we need to talk"

Izuku (otp): "A- alright, w- what's the matter?"

Katsuki (otp): "So uhm..Me and a few others are going on a mission..We will be gone for two months, maybe even three, it could be longer but I'm not sure.. We're going to America"

Izuku (otp): "W- what..? What do you mean?"

Katsuki (otp): "Look Izu, I'm sorry..I love you okay?"

Izuku (otp): "What the actual fuck Katsuki?! When are you leaving?!"

Katsuki got even more sad because he knew that Izuku was mad since he never calls him 'Katsuki'.

Katsuki (otp): "Right now actually..I'm sorry Izuku..But Kirishima will stay and I told him to take care of you! And- and I talked to Shinso and he'll be there for you! Okay?"

Izuku: "I don't fucking care dickhead, Fuck you. I may love you too but fuck you. FUCK YOU!"

Izuku hung up and cried more than he ever has before. He felt empty, heartbroken and numb. He stood up from his office chair and started to throw things around in his office, pillows form the couch, flowers he got from Katsuki, a teddy bear he got from Katsuki and even a picture of him and Katsuki together. He has never been this mad and sad at the same time. The love of his life we're leaving Tokyo.. He was leaving him.

Izuku heard his office door open, it was Shinso.

Shinso: "Izu..This place looks like a mess..Bakugo just called..I'm so sorry.."

Izuku fell on his knees crying.

Shinso ran up to Izuku and hugged him, he kissed his head and they stayed like that for a few minutes.


Izu just hung up..I fucking screwed up, Fuck..FUCK I HATE MYSELF! WHY FUCKING WHY?!

Bakugo started to cry and cry and cry more and more just of the though that he was leaving Izuku for so long.


It's been a week since Kacchan left. He has called a few times but I never answered. I was hanging out with Kiri, Shinso and Kami a lot lately.


I went out of my bed and went to open my door.

Izuku: "What n-"

Izuku: "Oh it's just you, come iiiiin"

Kirishima: "You look tired, you're so tiny, I never thought of that. It's so cute!"

Izuku: "Shut up Kiri! Don't make me blush!"
We both laughed.

Izuku: "I just woke up okay? And I'm wearing Kacchan's shirt so it's almost like a dress to me"

Kirishima: "Still adorable"

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