Chapter 29. You're a bad brother.

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This chapter is about Itsuki!!

3rd pov:

It had been a week now. Kazku always says no to Itsuki now just to hang out with Yuki. Itsuki was getting more and more hurt everyday. He decided to confront his brother.

"Hey Wanna hang out today?" Itsuki asked his brother. It was Saturday. "No I don't want to and I'm hanging out with Yuki" Kazku answered. "You're always with Yuki.. you're never with me anymore.. it feels like you're replacing me with him! Do you even care about me anymore?! Why don't you just cancel him for once and be with me?!" Itsuki yelled. He saw anger building inside of Kazku. If it was something that you should be afraid of or run from then it's angry Kazku. Kazku grabbed the collar of Itsuki's shirt and started yelling. "IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN ANNOYING BRAT THEN MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE SOMEONE THAT LOVES YOU LIKE MAMA AND PAPA LOVES EACH OTHER OR LIKE ME AND YUKI LIVES EACH OTHER! BUT YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE BOY WITH A SHITTY PERSONALITY AND A SHITTY ATTITUDE SO NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU THAT WAY! YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANYONE IF YOU KEEP BEING LIKE THIS! JUST STOP TRYING TO HANG OUT WITH ME BECAUSE I DON'T NEED ANYONE LIKE YOU FOLLOWING ME ALL THE TIME! JUST MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS AND SHUT UP FOR ONCE! YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE REAL FUCKING LOVE! YOU KNOW WHAT?! You're a bad brother." Kazku yelled. Itsuki started crying. Kazku let go of Itsuki. Itsuki landed on his knees, crying his eyes out. "Why do you hate me all of a sudden?! Why am I not good enough?!" Itsuki yelled. "BECAUSE YOU'RE WEAK AND STUPID AND FUCKING ANNOYING!" Kazku yelled back at his brother. Kazku walked out of the room.

"I should just give up" was the only thing heard from Itsuki's mouth.

-At dinner-

Kazku was eating at Yuki's house. "I'm HOOOOME!" Itsuki heard his mother yell. He ran up to his mother and hugged him. "Momma.. Kazku he.. he yelled at me.. and.. please check the cameras.." Itsuki said and looked at Izuku. Itsuki's eyes we're red and you could see he had been crying a lot. "Heyheyhey! Everyone is at the dining table I bet! So go sit down beside your father and I'll come soon!" Izuku said and kissed Itsuki's head. Itsuki nodded and walked in to the dining hall. He sat down beside Katsuki and started eating. A few minutes later, Izuku came and sat down on the other side of Katsuki. "Hey baby" Katsuki said and kissed Izuku. "Hii handsome" Izuku said and smiled. "Hey Itsu? I looked through the footage and I'm going to have a talk with Kazku. He will get grounded for a month and no phone for two weeks" Izuku said. Everyone looked at him shocked. "Babe, look at the footage from earlier today by Kazku's room. Kazku told some inappropriate and disgusting things to Itsuki" Izuku whispered to Katsuki. "Alright mommy" Katsuki answered and smirked. "Shut up!" Izuku laughed. "Momma? Dad? I know I don't say this often but I love you both" Itsuki said, both his parents looked at him and said it back. "Kaminari, Shinso, Todoroki, Mina, Momo, Monoma, Sero and Charles. I love you all deeply" Itsuki said as he stood up. "WE LOVE YOU TOO!" They yelled and smiled at him.

Later that night, only screaming and yelling was heard from downstairs. Kazku had came home.

"I'M HOME!" Kazku yelled. He walked into the living room. Katsuki and Izuku we're there. They had just listened to the footage again. "KAZKU BAKUGO! YOU TRULY DISGUST ME!" Izuku yelled. "What..?" Kazku's heart dropped. Hearing his parents say that makes him want to die. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR BROTHER THAT WAY?! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO!" Izuku yelled again. "YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK UP THERE AND TELL YOUR BROTHER THAT YOU'RE SORRY OR YOU'RE OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Katsuki yelled. Kazku started crying. "DON'T START CRYING NOW! YOU TRULY ARE DISGUSTING AND WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE! GO PACK YOUR SHIT!" Izuku yelled. "WHAT?! NO I-" Kazku tried. "NO! YOU HEARD YOUR MOM! GET OUT OF OUR FACES!" Katsuki yelled. "I HATE YOU BOTH!" Kazku yelled and ran upstairs and started packing. He ran into Itsuki's room and yelled "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING BRAT!" before he ran back downstairs and ran out of the door. "Why is he out?!" Mina yelled. Izuku and Katsuki showed them the footage and they agreed that kicking out Kazku was the best thing to do. It did hurt them but no person is allowed to speak to a family member that way.

-A week later-

Itsuki had told only Rin, Yuriko and Kaede about Kazku. They all feel sorry for Itsuki. Kazku had been staying at Yuki's place this whole time. Kazku and Itsuki never talk to each other at school or if they meet anywhere else. One day, something that Itsuki would've never imagined happening, happened. Itsuki and Yuriko we're sitting outside of school under a cherry blossom tree. They we're looking into each other's eyes. "You have beautiful eyes.. Yuri" Itsuki said as he kept looking at Yuriko. "Thank you Itsu.. So do you" Yuriko said back. Yuriko started blushing and leaned forward. He gently kissed Itsuki. Itsuki gently kissed back but they only kissed for a few seconds. It was their first kiss, ever. They we're happy that their first kiss was with each other. "I'M SORRY!" Yuriko quickly said and hid his red face. "It's okay.. I liked it.." Itsuki admitted. 13 year olds who falls in love are sometimes beautiful. "When we grow up, I'm going to marry you" Yuriko said and giggled. "You're so childish! I love it.. I will gladly marry you too when we grow up!" Itsuki said back and gave Yuriko a soft smile back.

Words: 989.


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