Chapter 25. Memories and stuff.

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Age: 28 & 29.

"KIRI!!" Izuku yelled. "YEAH?" Kirishima answered from another room. "I'M HOOME! AND I'VE MISSED YOU!" Izuku yelled, completely ignoring everyone else except Shinso and Todoroki who he already greeted. "OKAAAAY!" Kirishima yelled and ran to Izuku and hugged him. Izuku giggled and hugged him back. "OI SHITTY HAIR! LET HIM GO!" Bakugo yelled as he was carrying Kazku. "Nah!" Kirishima answered happliy. Izuku kept giggling and laughing.


"Pffft! You're so dumb!" Izuku said and laughed at Kirishima who accidentally hurt himself while feeling at his sharp teeth. "SHUT UUUP! IT HURTS!!" Kirishima yelled and sucked on his finger that was bleeding. "Pahahha! Let me fix that, come here!" Izuku said and helped Kirishima.


"OUCH OUCH OUCH! IZU! OUCH STOP!" Kirishima yelled when Izuku was braiding his hair. "OOOOUUUUUUCH!" "SHUT UP IT ISN'T THAT BAD KIRI!" Izuku yelled back and laughed as he was done. "THAT WAS TORTURE, IZU!" Kirishima complained. Izuku just laughed.


Age: 38 & 39.

Izuku had just came back from being 'dead' for 10 years. "I love you, Izu" Kirishima said as he was hugging Izuku. "I love you too, Eiji" Izuku said and softly smiled into the hug. "You're the best, you know that right?" Kirishima said as they stopped hugging. "Thank you, dumbass" Izuku thanked and they both laughed.


Age: 34 & 33.

Kirishima walked to Izuku's grave and sat down infront of it. "I'm sorry this had to happened to you" Kirishima wiped his tears. "I will always love you Izu. I'm going to be the best uncle to Kazku and Itsuki, I promise" Kirishima said and stood up. He looked at the grave once again before walking away. The grave said 'Izuku Bakugo.
*the year he was born and the year he died lmfao*.
The best father, husband and friend to ever exist.

Age: 21 & 22.

'He just kissed Bakubro. And sheesh he's hot and cute! Is- is he stripping?! I- Don't get a boner don't get a boner don't get a boner!' Kirishima thought as he saw Izuku strip for the first time.


-End of flashbacks-

Time: present.

3rd pov:

"Hey Yuki?" Kazku asked when he got up from his chair and started walking out of the classroom with Yuki. "Yes, Kaz?" Yuki answered. "Are you... a bottom?" Kazku asked and scratched the back of his head, "This might sound weird since I'm an Omega but no.. I'm a top ahah.." Yuki said and awkwardly laughed. "Oh! Well I think I'm a bottom even though I'm an Alpha!" Kazku happily said.

"A new.. teacher?" A girl in Itsuki's class asked. Izuku was starting as their all time teacher now. "Yeah, that's what I heard at least!" Another girl said. Then, a green haired Omega walked into the classroom. "PAPA!!" Itsuki yelled and ran up to Izuku and hugged him. Everyone in Itsuki's class we're shocked since Itsuki is usually the 'tuff, mean' and 'angry' kid. "Hello Itsuki. And hello class! I'm your new teacher. Izuku Bakugo. Feel free to call me Mrs. Bakugo instead of Mr. Bakugo. Itsuki is my son if anyone was wondering. Now Itsuki get back to your seat, now" Izuku said. It was a fun class. Izuku got to know all the students in Itsuki's class. Even Rin and Yuriko. "Hey Uhm Mrs. Bakugo!!" Rin yelled. They we're having a group project. Yuriko, Rin and Itsuki we're in the same group. "Yes, Rin?" Izuku asked and walked up to them, "Does Itsu have a girlfriend?!" Rin asked exited. "Oh, no he doesn't. Why? Are you interested in him?" Izuku asked and tilted his head. "U- Uhm.. n- no just w- wondering.." Rin said and blushed. "You're 13, love isn't the most important! I met Itsuki's father when I was 21!" Izuku explained, "How did you two meet?" Yuriko asked. Itsuki started laughing as he saw his papa's face getting red of embarrassment, he knew how they met. "Uhm.. that's- that's not relevant.." Izuku said and smacked the back of Itsuki's head. Someone knocked on the door. Izuku opened the door to see Yuki and Kazku. "Hey papa, is Itsu here?" Kazku asked. "Hi baby, yes he is here, why?" Izuku said and tilted his head. "We're here to pick him and Yuriko up. They're coming with us to go eat! If that's okay of course?" Kazku answered. "Hm.. okay.. but be on time to your next class, Kazku! I am your teacher for that class, okay?" Izuku said and raised one eyebrow. "And you take care of my son!" Izuku said to Yuki, Yuki smiled and nodded. "YURIKO! ITSUKI! YOUR BROTHERS ARE HERE FOR YOU!" Izuku yelled at Itsuki and Yuriko, they both ran up to their brother. Both Itsuki and Kazku gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek and then left.

-After class at lunch break-

"Boo" Someone whispered in Izuku's ear. "GAAAH!" Izuku yelled and turned around only to see the love of this life, Katsuki. "Hey mommy" Katsuki said and smirked as he sat down beside Izuku. Izuku blushed at the nickname and gently pushed Katsuki. "Hello daddy" Izuku said back and smiled, "SHSHSHSH SHHHHH!" Katsuki put a finger over Izuku's mouth, making Izuku laugh harder. "Hello momma and dad, can we call you mom? You are pretty feminine after all.." Itsuki said when he and Kazku came up to them and sat beside them. "Of course!" Izuku answered and smiled. "Sooo.. how did the DNA test go?" Kazku asked, looking at his parents. "Well we forgot to take it.. and I've got to inform my students after we take the test. But only if it's Katsuki's because then we're keeping it" Izuku answered, "What if it's Kirishima's?" Itsuki asked and tilted his head. "Then I'll kill him" Kazku and Katsuki said at the same time, making both Izuku and Itsuki shiver. "Scary.." Itsuki said. "ITSUUUU!!" Rin yelled, "WHAT NOW TOGA?!" Itsuki yelled at Rin. "D- do you wanna h- hang out after s- school?!" Rin asked and looked down. "Is Yuriko going to be there?" Itsuki asked, making both his parents and brother confused. 'Why was it so important for Yuriko to be there?' They thought. "No.." Rin answered, "Then no I don't" Itsuki said and sat back. "O- okay.." As Rin walked away, Yuriko came. "Hi Itsuki!" He said and smiled. Itsuki's parents and brother's eyes widened as they saw Itsuki B L U S H. "Hey Yuri.." Itsuki said and smiled while still blushing. "Is this your family? Oh! Mrs. Bakugo, hello!" Yuriko said and bowed. "Mrs. Bakugo?" Katsuki asked and raised an eyebrow and smirked. "My students call me that" Izuku responded. "Well hello. I am Mr. Bakugo! Also known as Itsuki's father" Bakugo said and smiled at Yuriko. "I'm a big fan of your work sir! Both me and my brother Yuki are!" Yuriko said and returned the smile.

-After school-

Momo drove Katsuki and Izuku to a place where they we're supposed to take the DNA test.

-After taking the test. (Btw Kirishima met them there)-

"I hope it's mine" Katsuki and Kirishima said at the same time. Momo just glared at Kirishima the whole time, hoping he'd die right there, right now. "I hope it's Kacchan though.." Izuku said and sat down beside his Alpha. "But Izuk-" Kirishima started but was interrupted. "We have the results" a doctor said as she walked to them.

Words; 1229.

Should Itsuki be in love with Yuriko or Rin?👀 I like Yurisuki but also Rinsuki!

Who's the father of Izuku's kid? Who do you WANT the father to be? Tell me.

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