Chapter 20.

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Katsuki pov

It has now been a week since Izuku came back. He's different and not good different. Bad different. But when he's with Shinso, he seems more normal. Shinso is the only one who really understand Izuku right now. I haven't let the kids meet Izuku yet. When they're home, they're going to meet him. Today.. Izuku came back to normal though, It's weird, Shinso must've talked to him. As I was sitting in my office just doing paperwork, Izuku came into my office. "Hi Kacchan" He said as he walked to me. "Hey Izu, what's up?" I asked as he sat down on my lap. "I've missed you so much these years~" He said and kissed me. "I've missed you too Izu.. Do you still love me though?" I asked, looking worried, "Yes Kacchan, yes I do!" he said and looked up at me. "Kazku and Itsuki are both Alpha's.." I said and stopped doing my paperwork. I wrapped my arms around him and he seemed to be comfortable. "I know.. Shinso told me.." He said and kissed me once again. I then heard a knock on the door and I yelled "COME IN" as I was cuddling with Izuku. Itsuki and Kazku walked in. They we're supposed to come home in 2 days! I looked shocked at them and so did Izuku. Both Itsuki and Kazku didn't know what to say, they froze. "Are you two... Itsuki and Kazku?" Izuku asked, still hugging onto me. "Yes. Who the fuck are you?!" Kazku yelled, he's just like me, having anger issues. Itsuki stood behind his older brother since he didn't know what to do. "I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said. I cleared my troat and he looked up at me, knowing what I meant. "I mean Izuku Bakugo.." Izuku said and looked back at Kazku. "What? DAD YOU'RE MARRIED?!" Kazku yelled. "Kazku! Haven't you both looked at the picture book of your papa?!" I yelled back. Kazku froze and looked at Izuku. Izuku stood up and walked to Kazku and Itsuki.

3rd pov

Izuku looked at his tall son and smiled softly. "Sooo... I guess Alpha's runs in the family?" Izuku said and hugged his sons. They hugged him back. Kazku started to cry and Itsuki was very confused. "Father I thought you we're dead!" Kazku yelled as they stopped hugging. "I faked my own death for a good reason, Kazku. Shinso was the only one who knew I was alive this whole time" Izuku said and looked at Katsuki as he walked to them. "You're an Omega?!" Itsuki yelled. "Yeah, the world's strongest!" Izuku said and smiled at his son. "That's dope" Itsuki said and smiled. "You have been having with Kaminari and Sero too much.." Izuku said and crossed his arms. "Yeah.. I know.. They both have" Katsuki said and laughed nervously. "Kacchan! You shouldn't let them be with Denki and Hanta too much!" Izuku yelled. "I'm sorry!" Katsuki yelled back. Kazku and Itsuki laughed. "You're tall as fuck" Izuku told Kazku as Kazku is taller than Izuku. "Ye-" Kazku said but was cut off by the door swinging open. "IZUKUUUU THERE'S PEOPLE OUTSIDE WHO'S ASKING FOR YOU" Kirishima yelled with Kaminari and Sero behind him, they we're all panting. "Alright.." Izuku said and walked out of the room. He went to the people outside and saw that it was his employees. "Shindo! Togata! Hado! Amajiki!" Izuku yelled and hugged his employees. He showed them inside the mansion and then bumped into Katsuki as he turned around. "Who're you people?" Katsuki asked. Sero and Kirishima stood beside Katsuki and Kaminari was behind him. "We're Mr. Midoriya's employees" Shindo said. "Oh? You look sad.. What's your name?" Kaminari asked as he pointed at a purpled haired boy. "He doesn't talk to strangers. His name is Tamaki Amajiki" Izuku said. "And that's Yo Shindo, Mirio Togata and Nejire Hado" Izuku said. "DID I HEAR TAMAKI?!" Shinso said as he ran up to everyone.

He ran to Tamaki and hugged him. "OI!" Kaminari yelled. "Tamaki, that's my husband. Denki Kaminari!" Shinso cheerfully said to Amajiki. "Hello Shinso!" Hado said and jumped onto Shinso and hugged him. "Hey Nejire!" Shinso said as he hugged her back. "SHINSOOO!!" Togata yelled and hugged Shinso. "Hello Shinso.." Shindo said as he took Izuku's hand. Shindo and Izuku did hook up a few times after Izuku faked his death, they went on dates and stuff like that but didn't really become a couple since Izuku didn't feel like it was right. He still loved Katsuki after all. Izuku let go of Shindo's hand and they talked for a while. When it had been 2 hours, they left. "Why the fuck did he hold your hand like that?!" Katsuki asked as they we're sitting at the dining table with Itsuki, Kazku, Shinso, Todoroki and Mina. Shinso sat beside Izuku, he almost died of laughter since he know what has happened between Shindo and Izuku. "I don't know?" Izuku said and crossed his arms. "But I do~" Shinso said. "SHUT UP!" Izuku yelled at his best friend. "I have a bad feeling about this" Mina said. "Me too" Todoroki agreed. "Dad, did you hook up with that guy?" Kazku asked. Izuku and Shinso both spit out their water that they we're drinking. "WHAT?!" Izuku yelled. "NO!" Izuku yelled again. "YES YOU DID" Shinso yelled back. "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I DIDN'T!" Izuku yelled back as Shinso was dying of laugh. "You totally did! HOLY SHIT! He was hot though!" Mina said and blinked at Izuku. "Not as hot at Kacchan" Izuku said in a teasingly voice. "Save your lovey dovey shit, damn" Todoroki said. "How many times?" Katsuki asked, he was clearly jealous. "What?" Izuku asked. "HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU TWO HOOK UP?!" Katsuki yelled. Mina and Todoroki stood up and took Kazku and Itsuki away from the dining hall as they knew it was going to be a fight. Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero heard Katsuki yell so they came. "FIRST OF ALL! DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME! SECOND OF ALL! I- I DON'T KNOW? MORE THAN TEN?" Izuku yelled back.

"MORE THAN TEN?! WOW! YOU REALLY ARE A SLUT AREN'T YOU?!" Katsuki yelled without thinking. "EXCUSE ME?! YOU WE'RE THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO MARRY A STRIPPER! WELL NOW A EX-STIPPER! SO OF COURSE I'M A SLUT!" Izuku yelled back with tears in his eyes. "YEAH MAYBE I SHOULDN'T HAVE MARRIED A FUCKING STRIPPER!" Katsuki yelled back, also tears in his eyes. Everyone was frozed and too afraid to say anything. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! MAYBE I SHOULDN'T HAVE CAME BACK! FUCK YOU KATSUKI BAKUGO! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Izuku yelled and slapped Katsuki. "OI! THAT FUCKING HURT! I SWEAR I SHOULD NEVER HAVE MARKED YOU! I SHOULD NEVER HAVE PICKED YOU! I SHOULD NEVER HAVE ASKED YOU FOR A FUCKING LAP DANCE! I SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT YOUR CLUB AFTER I ASKED THE QUESTION AND NEVER COME BACK! FOR FUCK SAKES! FUCK YOU TOO! I HATE YOU TOO!" Katsuki yelled as tears we're running down both male's cheeks. "WHY ARE YOU SO MAD THAT I SLEPT WITH ANOTHER ALPHA?!" Izuku yelled. "BECAUSE YOU'RE MY OMEGA AND NOBODY ELSE'S!" Katsuki yelled back. "KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO!" Kirishima finally yelled. "Izu hey look at me. It's okay! Just go to my room and i'll be there soon! Okay?" Izuku nodded and walked to Kirishima's room while crying. "And you! You damn idiot! Izuku is the most valuable thing on this earth! Don't you dare ever say that to him!" Kirishima yelled at Katsuki. Kirishima still have feelings for Izuku after all.


Words: 1270.

Bad chapter.

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