Quick update.

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Soooo.. I told my friend about the problem about who the father of Izuku's kid should be and she said Kirishima. I KNOW Y'ALL WILL GET MAD IF I MAKE IT KIRISHIMA'S BUT I DON'T FUCKING KNOW IF I WANT IT TO BE KIRISHIMA'S. I think I want it to be Bakugo's but the only question then is if they REALLY should keep the baby. I have an idea for the next chapter and but I still have to figure out who the father will be. It might take a while (a few days) or just a few hours. I am sorry if it takes a lot of time. I am really bad at making a decision. I might even go yolo and make the baby die (miscarriage). I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, OKAY?! I AM JUST RAMBLING IDEAS RN 😭😭😭 PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK 😭

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