Chapter 10

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(3rd pov)

Izuku's first day.

Izuku walked into the building and went to the front desk.

Izuku: "Hello ma'am. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm new here and I'm meeting Mr. Smith, Oscar Smith"

Desk lady: "Oh right! Hello Mr. Bakugo. Welcome! Take the elevator to floor 23 and he will be there. If he isn't there than he is on floor 15 or 28" She said while giving Izuku a big smile.

Izuku: "Thank you"

Izuku walked to the elevator and clicked on the number 23. Before the elevator closed, a boy came running into the elevator.

Boy: "Hello! I'm Monoma, and you? I haven't seen you around, are you new?"

Izuku: "Yes, I'm Izuku, Izuku Bakugo"

Monoma: "Right, could I maybe call youuuu Izu?"

Izuku: "Of course"

The elevator stopped at floor 23 and Izuku went out of the elevator.

He went around and looked for Oscar and finally found him doing a few photoshoots.

Izuku: "Mr. Smith?"

Oscar: "Ahhh Izuku! Hello! Please, call me Oscar!"

Izuku: "Okay, hello Oscar"

Oscar: "Hey there, what's your favorite color?"

Izuku: "Green"

Oscar: "Dark, light or neon?"

Izuku: "Uhm dark?"

Oscar: "Great! I have the best skirt and shirt for you!"

Izuku: "S- skirt?"

Oscar: "Yes!"

Izuku: "O- okay"

They went to the changing room and Oscar took out a green shirt skirt and a black long sleeve shirt to Izuku.

Izuku: "Eh?!"

Oscar: "Go on! Try it!"

Izuku: "Alright.."

Back too Tokyo.

Katsuki have been very sad ever since Izuku left. In fact, everyone has. Izuku haven't called anyone even once.

Todoroki, Shinso, Kirishima and Katsuki we're sitting in Katsuki's office. Katsuki was holding and hugging Kazku.

Todoroki: "I miss Izu"

Shinso: "Me too"

Kirishima: "Yeah.."

Katsuki: "I miss you so much"

Shinso: "Kaminari caught me crying last niiight.."

Kirishima: "That's alright. We've tried to call him but he doesn't answer..Maybe he's just busy?"

Katsuki: "Mhm maybe"

Kazku: "Papa..Papa"

Katsuki: "Sorry Kazku, papa isn't here"

Back to Canada brought to you by Shinso's tears.

Izuku: "O- Oscar?"

Oscar: "Yes? Are you done? SHOW ME!"

Izuku: "W- well I don't want to look to 'thick' hehe"

Oscar: "Oh c'mon! We'd love to see that booty!"

Izuku: "O- okay Uhm.." Izuku went out of the changing room Oscar blushed.

Oscar: "Well damn. Not bad"

~Izuku's flashback~

(Izuku and Katsuki trying wedding clothes)

Izuku: "Do you like it?"

Katsuki: "The dress? It's okay I guess? But turn around"

Izuku turned around.

Katsuki: "Not bad..Not fucking bad.."

~End of flashback~

Izuku chuckles.

Oscar: "What? What's so funny?"

Izuku: "Huh? Oh nothing, sorry"

Oscar: "Alright well let's go shoot some pictures with that outfit of yours!"

Izuku: "Alright.."

Time skip brought to you by Saiki's love for Coffee Jelly.

(Izuku's POV)

After taking a few pictures (with a few I mean like 1000), I got to go 'home'. I got back to my new penthouse and decided to call Katsuki.

Izuku (otp): "Hello there handsome"

Katsuki (otp): "Soooo when will the pictures come to Tokyo?"

Izuku (otp): "New week, be prepared. You'll see me in a skirt, a short green skirt"

Katsuki (otp): " Oh thank you dear god. Thank you for giving me the hottest husband ever"

Izuku (otp): "EX husband"

Katsuki (otp): "Don't remind me"

Izuku (otp): "Hahahah, I love you so much"

Katsuki (otp): "I love you too"

Shinso took Katsuki's phone and put on speaker.

Shinso (otp): "HIII IZU"

Izuku (otp): "HEYYY"

Todoroki (otp): "Helloo"

Kirishima (otp): "Got any new friends yet?"

Izuku (otp): "Well I met this boy named Monoma today, he seemed pretty nice"

Katsuki (otp): "Let him know that you're mine"

Izuku (otp): "Yeah right, but I gotta go sleep now. I'm pretty tired"

Kirishima (otp): "Byeee love you"

Shinso (otp): "We love you Izu"

Izuku (otp): "Byee I love you all!"

And they hung up. Izuku missed they a lot. They missed Izuku a lot too.

Words: 651.

Y'all I just finished reading Killing Stalking and WOAH. The end hits different, like dayum that hurt. Sangwoo and Bum thooo.. 🛐🛐

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