Survival (Your Lie in April)

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After my performance, I get my grade from the judges and realize that I won with that very emotional score. I take the paper showing the place I'm in and run as fast as I can to the hospital. Kaori has pulled through surgery and I want to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. She's been moved to the ICU for a while and then, when able, she'll be returned to her room. I run and don't look back, heading straight for the hospital. I burst through the doors and am greeted by her parents, who are smiling and I ask,
"Where is she?"
Her father responds,
"She's in the ICU for a time, but she made it."
I can't hide my happiness as I smile broadly and feel tears of relief flood down my face. I say,
"I want to see her as soon as I can please."
They both nod, and her mom tells me,
"You will, we promise."
In that moment, I realize I'm ready to be by her side forever and take this journey with her, no matter where it takes us. She is mine and I am hers, no matter if she can't really walk, no matter if she's wheelchair bound for life, Kaori belongs with me. I will be there for every step of her recovery and hopefully, she'll have the strength to walk again someday. Until then, I'll carry her through it all.

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