OceanTurtle (SAO)

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Kikuoka says as I have him pinned against the wall,
"See, one day, you're gonna look back on this and laugh."
I say, strengthening my grip,
"I assure you, for the rest of my life, every time I look back on this, I will personally drive over to your house and smack the hell outta you."
He throws his hands up,
"Alright, alright."
I loosen my grip and let him go,
"Take me to him."
He leads me down a long hallway to where Kirito is. I look at him from the glass window, because it's the only thing I can do. Having to do this reminds me of Yuuki and makes me sad. I stay on the OceanTurtle with Kirigaya because he is my boyfriend and he's done it for me. In my downtime, which I have plenty of, I help out, fret over whether he'll be okay or not, curse Kikuoka for taking him and not telling me, and yearn to be with him. I just wish I could dive into Underworld with him, but for now, this is something he has to do.

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