Flu Shot (Fruits Basket)

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Kyo and I arrive at Hatori's place so that I can get an injection and maybe do some catching up with the Sohma family gossip. Hatori greets us both at the door to his house and leads me into his office. He suggests Kyo wait outside the room for me to return but my stubborn husband refuses. Once in Hatori's office, he gets a needle from his medical bag and goes to the small fridge, withdrawing a vial of white liquid. As he draws the liquid into the needle, he says, presumably to me,
"So, with a flu shot, you can expect soreness in your arm for a few hours to a day."
I agree,
Kyo is watching me from the small chair next to the exam table I'm sitting on. Hatori brings the needle closer to me and says,
"The actual shot will only feel like a brief prick."
I agree again,
He then looks straight at Kyo as he says,
"So there's no reason to scream."
Hatori flicks the needle, pinches the skin on my upper arm just right, and injects the vaccine quickly. Kyo says loudly,
"Well, excuse me for screaming when someone stabs a needle in my wife!"
Hatori puts a bandaid on the injection site and we all three talk during my observation period.

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